berrigans bitch wrote:The Hull Daily Mail showed some screenshots from Cockayne's Facebook page.
"Religious views: hang/burn the extremists then off with there stinking ugly heads"
"Political views: british jobs british folk, block up the channel tunnel"
Give me an hour or so II am at work), and I will get the link if I can.
Not seen it but it wouldn't overly surprise me,
Playing devils advocate I could say talk of hanging extremsts is not in itself racist, assuming all people of a certain race to be extremist is.
I would have also thought that the term British Jobs for British folk is also not racist, assuming all british folk are white and of the same race is.
Blocking the tunnel is not racist, merely a comment on control of illegal immigration.
These are all generally views portrayed by one or other of the major 3 political parties in the uk.
As I said I am playing devils advocate and have no doubt anyone who uses language like he did has at best mild racist views and at worst is a member of the ayrian brotherhood.