
Derby Result
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Author:  Sheldon [ Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby Result

gingerspice wrote:It does add up but when u know the team arnt bothered why shud we pay in excess of 100 quid a family to watch the tripe they are serving up at the minute.

Without it the team you support will get worse.

People get to carried away by it all, not every side can be top.

Author:  *1865* [ Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby Result

rover49 wrote:I listened to craig Sandercock in a pre-match interview and was in two minds whether to turn around and go home, the bloke showed no passion at all and basically said that the derby was a fans thing and the players and coaches didn't feel the same and it was just another game. Well Craig, you certainly have rubbed some of it off on the players as they played with no desire or passion for most of the game.

Gentle said exactly the same thing in his pre-match interview, didn't rub off on our players? Maybe Gentle is aware how much it means to the fans though?

Author:  gingerspice [ Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby Result

Sheldon wrote:Without it the team you support will get worse.

People get to carried away by it all, not every side can be top.

I know that but even looking like ur bothered wud be a start and I don't want to be top just want consistency and that isn't happening

Author:  Dudley [ Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby Result

east hull FC fan wrote:Gentle said exactly the same thing in his pre-match interview, didn't rub off on our players? Maybe Gentle is aware how much it means to the fans though?

I would have thought saying it was a "fans thing" would tend to suggest Sandercock does too.

Author:  *1865* [ Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby Result

Dudley wrote:I would have thought saying it was a "fans thing" would tend to suggest Sandercock does too.

Your lack of passion last night and his obvious inability to motivate them in all 3 derbies this year would tend to suggest he doesn't.

Author:  Dudley [ Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby Result

east hull FC fan wrote:Your lack of passion last night and his obvious inability to motivate them in all 3 derbies this year would tend to suggest he doesn't.

No problem with motivation for the magic weekend derby. Sandercock has said about sending the fans home happy after that game, he said pre this game, its a fan thing therefore it seems clear he knows what it means to the supporters, which I believe was your original point.

Author:  SirStan [ Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby Result

Where to start? Jesus, I'll begin at the end.

In the car on the way home listening to the post-match interviews. The one that summed the entire night (season?) for me was listening to Richard Horne. He basically said that after getting a beasting at Catalans, Hull had spent all week training to get a 3rd man into the tackle and thus control the ruck. I think its fair to say that they took this onto the pitch with them. Defensive training appears to be an alien concept at Rovers this season.

Hull's defence was light years ahead of ours, and has been in all 3 games this year. In fact, as a contest, last night was even more one sided than Good Friday, without the scoreboard reflecting it. Hull bombed at least 3 more scores before half time.

On the back of such a solid defence, it was just a matter of time before we caved in. We were making 30-40 metres in a set, while Hull were going full length without any help from Silverwood (what was the penalty count? It felt like 2 to 1 in our favour). At 20-18, It felt like we were about to mug them again. The final 2 tries at least made the scoreboard reflect the game a little more. I'm not going to bang on about how poor some of our players looked, they were coached & picked by Mr Motivator and he's getting my backing until he's either failed or succeeded with his own team. Hull looked up for it, motivated, organized and quite frankly, much better than us. I shudder to think how much worse it could have been without their list of absentees (for 1 reason or another).

Gluton for punishment, I'm popping for my Widnes tickets at lunch. Keep the faith (yeah, right!).

Author:  Gallanteer [ Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby Result

I can see us only winning 3 more games this season. Will that be enough to get into the top 8? Doubtful, but then Shuddersfield are worse than us at the moment, so who knows?

(I'm trying to ignore Bradford at the moment, because on the field, they deserve their play-off place).

Losing, I can deal with. Losing without showing passion for 40 minutes is disheartening.

Missing two of our strike players in Hall and Welham last night had an impact. Sounds like Mika is injured (and maybe suspended anyway) and McDonell out for the rest of the season and gone.

We are still relying too much on Dobbo and Green. I can count on a single hand the number of times we offloaded in the tackle, and some of them went wrong. In my opinion, that is one of the main skill areas we're lacking in. But the lack of passion is the real killer at the moment.

Ah well, roll on next week and Widnes, at least that should get us back on track a little :?

Author:  SirStan [ Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby Result

Gallanteer wrote:Missing two of our strike players in Hall and Welham last night had an impact.

2 of our worst defenders would hardly have made a difference in a side that missed more than 40 tackles.

Author:  Little Robin Redhead [ Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby Result

There's not much to say that hasn't already been said TBH. Shocking performance, line speed none existent, no urgency to get up & PtB, completely bossed around by a patched up FC side. Not sure what the game plan was, but just trundling it up the middle was never going to work.
Thought Houghton was outstanding last night.

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