jj151201 wrote:ATTENTION
Are you a HKR supporter, and do you want to see ground improvements at Craven Park? Then read on and send this email to all your friends. For your info in 2002 the Hull City Council funded the KC Stadium to the tune of 43.5 million out of the first KC share windfall money. In 2007 they sold their remaining KC shares and made a second windfall profit of 104 million pounds. KC Stadium is a superb flagship for the City and West Hull and is a credit to the councilors’ who had the vision to build it, but where is East Hulls’ little flag waver in the above circumstances we believe the city council should use part of the second 104 Million windfall in the form of a no strings attached grant to put some feel good factor back into East Hull, and give Craven Park a long overdue face lift by:
( A ) Finish the east and north stands.
( B ) Build a modern covered in south stand.
( C ) As promised by the council when the stadium was first built, they put in an access road linking the stadium to Hedon Road and the Motorway system.
Now is the time to lobby your local MP and Councilors’ come on you reds don’t sit back on this one fill your boots and get it done.
I agree with the above petition
Down load and cut here and send the full letter to the below addresses:
Prospective Labour MP for East Hull
Mr Karl Turner
East Hull Labour Party
430 Holderness Road
karl@easthull.org.uk Prospective Liberal Dem MP
Mr JeremyWilcock
Room 56
C/o The Guild Hall
Alfred Gelder Street
http://www.libdemsinhull.org.ukEmails are ok but a letter is better don’t delay post it today I know we Brits don’t like to complain but 10.000 letters would remind our Councilors’ which side their bread is buttered.
East Hull Crusaders
Evening Neil.