
Kingstone Press Championship One Round Up: Round Nine
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Author:  RLFANS News Hound [ Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Kingstone Press Championship One Round Up: Round Nine

Kingstone Press Championship One Round Up: Round Nine
North Wales Crusaders got back to winning ways and moved four points clear at the top of the table with a 58-16 victory at Gloucestershire All Golds.

The All Golds pushed the Welsh side all the way in the first half as they trailed 18-12 at the break, but in the second period Crusaders dominated and scored 30 unanswered points in as many minutes. READ MORE ON THIS STORY...

Kingstone Press Championship One Round Up: Round Nine
North Wales Crusaders got back to winning ways and moved four points clear at the top of the table with a 58-16 victory at Gloucestershire All Golds.

The All Golds pushed the Welsh side all the way in the first half as they trailed 18-12 at the break, but in the second period Crusaders dominated and scored 30 unanswered points in as many minutes. READ MORE ON THIS STORY...

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