
Back The Doncaster Bid
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Author:  DRAGONFAN [ Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Back The Doncaster Bid

Former rugby league star Ellery Hanley is backing Doncaster’s bid to bring World Cup 2013 action to the town.

The former England, St Helens and Doncaster coach has pledged his allegiance to the Keepmoat Stadium’s plans.

Doncaster is hoping to attract a team to use the town as its base as well as bringing games to the stadium.

Ellery said: “South Yorkshire folk need to get behind the community stadium and back the bid - it’s a top class venue and sports fans who visit are given a great experience time after time. It would prove to be a fantastic asset for the tournament organisers if the Keepmoat Stadium’s impressive facilities are utilised.”

Businesses and residents can log on to http://www.backthedoncasterbid.co.uk to sign up to boost the campaign.
Former rugby league star Ellery Hanley is backing Doncaster’s bid to bring World Cup 2013 action to the town.

The former England, St Helens and Doncaster coach has pledged his allegiance to the Keepmoat Stadium’s plans.

Doncaster is hoping to attract a team to use the town as its base as well as bringing games to the stadium.

Ellery said: “South Yorkshire folk need to get behind the community stadium and back the bid - it’s a top class venue and sports fans who visit are given a great experience time after time. It would prove to be a fantastic asset for the tournament organisers if the Keepmoat Stadium’s impressive facilities are utilised.”

Businesses and residents can log on to http://www.backthedoncasterbid.co.uk to sign up to boost the campaign.

Author:  Jemmo [ Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Back The Bid in Doncaster


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Sign up to back the bid and pass it around your friends/family/colleagues

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