
Christmas Shopping Important Reminder
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Author:  Jemmo [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Christmas Shopping Important Reminder

Just a reminder as the Christmas shopping season gathers momentum (in October) that if you are planning on doing some shopping online that you can save money for yourself and raise money for The Trust by going via this link:


And selecting the shop you are looking to purchase from. This will not cost you a penny but can help raise some vital funds

Just a reminder as the Christmas shopping season gathers momentum (in October) that if you are planning on doing some shopping online that you can save money for yourself and raise money for The Trust by going via this link:


And selecting the shop you are looking to purchase from. This will not cost you a penny but can help raise some vital funds


Author:  rupert bear [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Shopping Important Reminder

Good idea! I will register this weekend.

Author:  Jemmo [ Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Christmas Shopping Important Reminder

There are some things everyone can do that will not cost you a penny. In the bottom right there is a link for Free Funds. A lot of these are things that are free to sign up to but they will donate to the Trust.

For example, recieve a free SIM card from each of the mobile providers and just chuck them when they come. Or sign up to the Thomson email news letter (I have set that to go into my spam box)

Theres qutie a few on there, that if everyone did would raise quite a bit of money

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