
Special Offer - Half Season Tickets
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Author:  Wanderer [ Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Special Offer - Half Season Tickets

Author:  Stand-Offish [ Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Special Offer - Half Season Tickets

Quite frankly....marvellous as the offer is.....I would rather pay at the gate.
That way the club gets more money out of me and it's spread out.

Besides what new support will be attracted this way?
It will be the same old people who would have gone anyway and will switch to this and the club will get less money....not more.

I hope I am wrong.

It's us beating Oldham that would get more people in......seeemples!

Quite frankly....marvellous as the offer is.....I would rather pay at the gate.
That way the club gets more money out of me and it's spread out.

Besides what new support will be attracted this way?
It will be the same old people who would have gone anyway and will switch to this and the club will get less money....not more.

I hope I am wrong.

It's us beating Oldham that would get more people in......seeemples!

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