
o/t the darts
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Author:  DonnyPlumber [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  o/t the darts

what a final, i know he's an aussie playing a english bloke but it must be the Donny in me that always wants the underdog to do well.

Author:  Stand-Offish [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: o/t the darts

Well I think that the rest of the darting community should hang their heads in shame at what they are letting Taylor do to the game....IMHO

You can argue that Taylor has made darts the big money sport it is.....and he is the best dart player that has ever been.

You can also argue that there is little point to watching these finals since you know what is going to happen.....Taylor wins!
If it hadn't have been for Taylor changing his darts and his weight and throwing him off track he would probably have not lost to Part or Barney.

He has won 15 world titles and has more 'balls' than the rest of them put together....I personally can't stand someone winning everything....and the rest of them ought to practise a lot harder.....they're a joke.

Author:  Jim Bergerac [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: o/t the darts

Stand-Offish wrote:Well I think that the rest of the darting community should hang their heads in shame at what they are letting Taylor do to the game....IMHO

You can argue that Taylor has made darts the big money sport it is.....and he is the best dart player that has ever been.

You can also argue that there is little point to watching these finals since you know what is going to happen.....Taylor wins!
If it hadn't have been for Taylor changing his darts and his weight and throwing him off track he would probably have not lost to Part or Barney.

He has won 15 world titles and has more 'balls' than the rest of them put together....I personally can't stand someone winning everything....and the rest of them ought to practise a lot harder.....they're a joke.

Ridiculous statement.
I suppose Taylor wins because every single other player lacks the desire and 'balls' to beat him. What tosh. Fact is, he's just the best in his field and practically near unbeatable. His dominance is nothing to do with how much effort the other players display, or how much they practice. Its simply down to the fact that he has more ability than anyone else. :USTUPID:

Author:  Stand-Offish [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: o/t the darts

Jim Bergerac wrote:Ridiculous statement.
I suppose Taylor wins because every single other player lacks the desire and 'balls' to beat him. What tosh. Fact is, he's just the best in his field and practically near unbeatable. His dominance is nothing to do with how much effort the other players display, or how much they practice. Its simply down to the fact that he has more ability than anyone else. :USTUPID:

It is not simply down to the fact he is the best....which he is and I stated that....unless somehow you are blind.
The simple fact that they are playing Taylor, who is the best, makes them crap in their pants and is worth two or three sets start in itself.
I've seen it time and again....they bottle it against Taylor....and I will state what I said before unless they take it as seriously as Taylor does and practise more and study what it is in Talyor's technique that is so superior and copy it .....he will keep beating the sorry bunch of them until he retires or drops dead.

Author:  Karlos [ Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: o/t the darts

Well i thought Whitlock had a fantastic tournament. He was the best finisher in the tournament by a mile, even in the final. If he had played like he did against James Wade he would have won last night.

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