
Season Tickets 2010
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Author:  weighman [ Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Season Tickets 2010

Season Ticket prices are out:-
Adult £100
Kids £15 (5 - 16 years)
Kids free under 5
Senior Citizens £80
Disabled(wheelchair only )£80 Carer free.

Match Day prices :-
Adult £12
Kids( 5 -16) £1
Kids under 5 free
Senior citizens/Disabled £10
carers free

as per E-Mail
contact 01302 765888 for further details

Author:  Wilf Grimshaw [ Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Season Tickets 2010

weighman wrote:Season Ticket prices are out:-
Adult £100
Kids £15 (5 - 16 years)
Kids free under 5
Senior Citizens £80
Disabled(wheelchair only )£80 Carer free.

Match Day prices :-
Adult £12
Kids( 5 -16) £1
Kids under 5 free
Senior citizens/Disabled £10
carers free

as per E-Mail
contact 01302 765888 for further details

Hate to say this but that Matchday senior price is a bit steep. It was £6 last season was it not ?

Author:  Stand-Offish [ Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Season Tickets 2010

Moonlight wrote:Hate to say this but that Matchday senior price is a bit steep. It was £6 last season was it not ?

They know we are an ancient mob...... :lol:
I think that last year the senior season ticket of £60 (I believe) was under-priced and should have been more.
So £80 is fine by me......and they have brought the adult one down from £120 to £100.
However the pay at the gate senior price of £10 is a joke....and at complete variance with most other clubs who have a ratio of about 7 or 8 to twelve.
A ratio of 10 to 12 is farcical and should be reduced. The price should be £8 and should be changed now....but will they listen???
I demand the price is changed.... :evil:
Doubt it will be though.....because people don't listen.
And we are a Division 2 side FFS!

Author:  wahs [ Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes Alan the matchday price for O.A.P. is steep I wish I had had a rise of 67% on my Pension.What a kick in the teeth for the people who have supported the club over the years.Carl Hall says the club are on a tight budget but so are some pensioners for Division 1 rugby it is a ludicrous price.If one wants one can watch super league cheaper and all it means is that people will be more selective in the games that they watch and could be every other home game at best if they are lucky.I subscribed to the supporters trust more than the the going rate for pensioners but doubt my integrity now.
Could be another missing supporter I thought they were trying to increase support not drive people away

Author:  Stand-Offish [ Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think that they should have a rethink about that one.
And I have told them so.

Author:  DRAGONFAN [ Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

I might be wrong here but having attended the Fans-Forum last week i cannot
remember anything being said re the match-day admission price for Pensioners being £10.

Some of these guys have been supporting the club for half a century
and they certainly don't deserve to be treated this way.

The club has to be run on a tight budget but the last thing we want to
happen is to alianate the very people who have stood by the Dons for so long.

Author:  Another Penalty [ Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

wahs wrote:Yes Alan the matchday price for O.A.P. is steep I wish I had had a rise of 67% on my Pension.What a kick in the teeth for the people who have supported the club over the years.Carl Hall says the club are on a tight budget but so are some pensioners for Division 1 rugby it is a ludicrous price.If one wants one can watch super league cheaper and all it means is that people will be more selective in the games that they watch and could be every other home game at best if they are lucky.I subscribed to the supporters trust more than the the going rate for pensioners but doubt my integrity now.
Could be another missing supporter I thought they were trying to increase support not drive people away

Hi, Can i just say that the supporters trust has got nothing to do with the running of the club or the cost of season tickets, we are totally independant from the clubs decisions.

We at the supporters trust was charging £10 for adults and £5 for pensioners, why have we been brought in to the club season ticket argument?

But as club liaison officer from the trust i will forward these postings to the Dons, I just dont understand why the Supporters trust has been mentioned in this post.

Author:  Marshland [ Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Dons have had season after seasons of doom, gloom and continuous bust because of mis-management of one kind or another ! I would think it’s about time some people should be thinking of taking their Partisan head off and putting on a business head during these times of hardship.

If I remember rightly Leeds Utd fans where up in arms with Ken Bates first took over and his drastic measures seem to be starting to pay off.

I would also bring back the Dragon tag for marketing.

Author:  weighman [ Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bruce , it wasnt mentioned about the £10 admission for games but it was on the application forms handed out to those who attended !

For what its worth I think the club needs to have a re think on the Pensioners prices !

Author:  mister.c. [ Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

wahs wrote:Yes Alan the matchday price for O.A.P. is steep I wish I had had a rise of 67% on my Pension.

Oh come on - free bus passes, Wetherspoons & Cardigans more widespread and cheaper than ever before.

You've never had it s good :lol:

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