
New Moderators Required
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Author:  SouthStander.com [ Tue Oct 10, 2017 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  New Moderators Required

We are looking for new moderator/s for this forum and are seeking applications by e-mail to paul.coward@rlfans.com. Please use the subject ‘Moderator Application’ and be sure to tell me which board/s you are interested in moderating.

We are looking for experienced members of our community to join the moderating team. You will ideally have been an RLFANS.COM user for a number of years, have a track record of level headed posting, and have steered clear of warning and previous bans. You will be respected by your fellow posters.

Applicants should detail their username (so we can snoop on your posting history) and the reasons why you’d like to be welcomed into the team. You also need to be able to commit some of your free time to the moderating process all year round and agree to our Moderators Agreement (you will be emailed this once your application has been accepted).

The position is unpaid, you just get our appreciation and support.

So if you feel that you’d like to be a moderator on this forum drop me a line, but please don’t be disappointed if I say no.

We are looking for new moderator/s for this forum and are seeking applications by e-mail to paul.coward@rlfans.com. Please use the subject ‘Moderator Application’ and be sure to tell me which board/s you are interested in moderating.

We are looking for experienced members of our community to join the moderating team. You will ideally have been an RLFANS.COM user for a number of years, have a track record of level headed posting, and have steered clear of warning and previous bans. You will be respected by your fellow posters.

Applicants should detail their username (so we can snoop on your posting history) and the reasons why you’d like to be welcomed into the team. You also need to be able to commit some of your free time to the moderating process all year round and agree to our Moderators Agreement (you will be emailed this once your application has been accepted).

The position is unpaid, you just get our appreciation and support.

So if you feel that you’d like to be a moderator on this forum drop me a line, but please don’t be disappointed if I say no.


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