I was with you initially 1977 before the appointment, in fact if you knew me personally would be well aware of my stance with all things Wire. Widnesian through and through. If you came to my house you'd think you were in the Museum with all the Widnes stuff I have.
However, I think that if we want him to do well then we need to wipe the slate clean and judge him with performances on the pitch. If I am taking a narrow view all we need to do is reach win two semi-finals in a row since according to the "rules" (and I use that term liberally) the teams in the 2009 and 2010 finals are eligible for SL. I don't think 2011 final counts as the decison will have been made. (I stand corrected). Theoretically if we do that based on those "rules" then potentially there are only two other sides which can challenge us for an SL spot. Very much an elimination process on that basis.
Anyway, If I'm looking long term and doing a Paul Terzis (i.e. beyond
) he has attracted the Johns's of this world to SL (backed by money) and if he can do that when we get back in SL then I'm a happy bunny. I just hope that he has learnt from his mistakes as Warrington coach particulary on the discipline side. I'd be very worried if we brought Briers in, not a rumour just an opinion. He was always out on the mickey in the Chapel House much to the annoyance of PC.
Like it or lump it we have him and the best we can do is give the man our support.