Having players traveling long distances must be causing problems & having a mixed squad of part time & full time players cant help as they wont be having enough sessions together, i'm guessing the long distance travelers will only train once a week.
With nearly all the other teams being part time i'd have said you would be better part time which would have saved allot of money and enabled the full squad to train together 3 nights a week like most others do.
Prob takes a little pressure off too as teams want to prove a point against you with you being full time. Your owner must be pulling his hair out with the money he has put in and staff he has installed and put his faith in.
Hope you can get over the bad patch and kick on because its good to see a strong widnes side and one which should be up there in super league with the fan base & home grown players its produced.
may go on for a long time......he's a good talker when his teams defeated. Look how well he used to speak after Wires defeats and how long he hung on to his job for there.
These big name coaches dont always work in the lower leagues. Id have stuck with John Stank, good young coach with new ideas and no pressure. He also knows the players in this league and did a great job with the 2nd team/academy the other year.
No i'm not his brother, agent or mate. i'd just like to see him given a chance.
Joined: Oct 01 2007 Posts: 2866 Location: Liverpool.
Jing Ling wrote:oops didnt know he was bald. probably had a full head of hair before he got involved in the game of rugby league. It drives us all mad at times!
You could be right! But I doubt he could have lost a full head of hair in 18 months.
Joined: Mar 09 2004 Posts: 33944 Location: watching out for low flying geese
Runcorn Viking wrote:I'v had enough of Widnes now, there a joke half of them are clueless, if results like this keep happeneing then there going to lose the people who claim to be fans
kcab sfrawdder
Luck is a combination of preparation and opportunity
Just to avoid confusion Starbug is the username of Steven Pike
SOMEBODY SAID that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it!
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