Only trying to be helpful here - I’ll take it down if
people want.
Maybe 1 thread ‘to rule them all’ ?
Adam is ‘re-energised’ although I don’t like the sound of not being
Energised !
IMO Myler gets the gig because he’s 100% linked to
a very obvious investor with CASH.
Head Coach - without any shadow of any doubt
it has to be a Aussie aged 33-42 approx who has
Maximum ambition but has worked in a Comp like
The NRL which is 20 years ahead of SL.
New players - wow where do we start ?
Albert Kelly was a GIGANTIC player in 16-17
Sneyd was a craftsman
How do we find players like that ?
What Id really love is a 6’ 2” 15st centre with pace to burn
We haven’t had a Centre that scores 18 tries a season for a long long time , if ever. Big fast centres are like your horses in
Chess ! You need them and they’re vital.
Let’s see what any new Head Coach thinks and
I am certainly of the opinion Adam is staying based
on comms that I’ve seen.
Could we finish 6th this Season or am I smoking
dried cabbage leaves ?