The Dentist Wilf wrote:I think two years is an over statement myself and I concur with your sentiments but surely its basic marketing here we all are shelling out every month for passes merch etc. turning up and trying to look happy then just when we all thought at least it can't get any worse we have to endure as bad a performance as we have seen since the 70's and even back then at least the players tried. Whilst at the other side of the City things go from strength to strength (good luck to The Dobbins for at least showing some enterprise ... ) yet we hear nothing at all to encourage us. However no doubt the letters will be coming asking for us to subscribe again and many of us will ....but for the first time in years a lot I speak to won't. If we have an investor waiting in the wings surely we deserve to hear about it or at least how it's progressing to at least give us a bit of encouragement. If not then tell us how it is and we'll all rally around as only the FC faithful can, but this hiatus while we sit there enduring bad performance after bad is soul destroying! It's our club, we love it and in the end owners CE's Coaches and players come and go but the fans are the only thing that is constant in all this. And.... without us they are stuffed... baffling!
All very fair points and ones you'd be hard pressed to argue against.
As Seb said though, considering Myler has spoken openly about the clubs clear lack of engagement with its fans and saying along the lines of repairing/resolving this as one of the priorities it has once again gone disappointingly quiet on that front.
I myself found it particularly disappointing and just another kick in the teeth that there has been no apology or statement from Myler or Pearson about rank embarrassing performance of Saturday, which again just drives that wedge between club and fans even further.
I get/understand there will be stuff going on in the background that isn't for public knowledge etc but it doesn't mean that the club can't spare some time to engage properly with its fans and I don't count bits in the HDM about possible appointments as other than marketing for merchandise etc but other than the open training session there still seems very little effort to engage with its fansbase.
At the start of Mylers arrival it all sounded very promising but it's all now just starting to seem like the same old story just a different story teller..........or maybe I'm just now just so hacked off with the past few years I'm verging on the point of I'm just no longer interested anymore especially if the club don't genuinely care about the fanbase other than as a revenue stream.