Hi all. Just posting to see if anyone has been to kos, or will be in kos while challenge cup will be on. Unfortunately I fly out their on Wednesday and miss our date with destiny, does anyone know of and decent sports bars out their. Any info would be welcome on this. And finally safe journey to all travelling fans, sing loud and proud and bring this cup home. Enjoy your day and I'm sure the boys will do us immensely proud.
Surely you should be booking a return flight for the game and rejoining your family afterwards? There are fans coming from the other side of the world for this game
Jake the Peg wrote:Surely you should be booking a return flight for the game and rejoining your family afterwards? There are fans coming from the other side of the world for this game
I have looked into this and the cost of 600 pound and leaving the family with 1 child whose epileptic I think it was pushing it. So unless you have any relevant information on this then I suggest you bore off
Blackandwhiteforever wrote:I have looked into this and the cost of 600 pound and leaving the family with 1 child whose epileptic I think it was pushing it. So unless you have any relevant information on this then I suggest you bore off
My relevant information is that a bit of grief from the wife and 600 sheets is a small price to pay
big grimmo wrote:What part of Kos if its kardamena bar1960 in the square
Sorry should have said it's marmari. We are staying at the kos holiday village. Nice for you to reply back to me with a sensible answer to my post unlike that other tool.
Do what I've done a few times on holiday - go out a couple of days before hand, do your recon on the local bars, particularly a British owned one if you can find it, and beg them (with the promise of plenty of Euros flying into the till) to show the game. Remind them an hour before kick off and you're laughing!
No probs, drove through there today but wasn't looking for a bar lol, as Cardiff_05 says scout the area I did for the last 2 weekends and found a decent bar, back home Tuesday though
Thanks guys. Im definitely going to scout the area, just thought someone may have had first hand experience. I'm taking a couple of flags to see if they will allow me to put them up. Theirs a group of 9 of us going so we will spend plenty so hopefully it won't be to much hassle for them. Appreciate the feedback tho and enjoy this week's build up and have a great day. Cmon you ullaaaaa
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