Wellsy13 wrote:You have? Where?
This is all I found in your opening post to do with the subject before going on a little rant about racism and the war:
"A guy that size playing this game and someone calls him a coward. He looked real cowardly tackling Pritchard and dropping him 1-1."
I don't care how big or small someone is. Diving is cowardly. If your view is that it's OK because he's small, then I'm glad you're not in charge.
When did I say it bores me? When did I say it doesn't bother me? I didn't. No one else has. Get off your high horse.
People aren't ignoring it because they don't care. They're ignoring it because they've come on a rugby forum to talk about the rugby, not the World War! Seriously, get over yourself.
If you don't want to talk about the rugby, go on a different forum.
He's embarrassed a lot of people. Ex-pros (including ex-Rovers players at that) are embarrassed. But you're not. Because it's OK to cheat because he's small and that's brave enough, bless him. How patronising are you?
Your whole point seems to be "he's already really brave because he's a small man playing a big man's game, so he can do what he likes that others would consider cowardly."
Have I got that right?
I'm not interested in discussing the War. Talk about the rugby. Was the diving and the ball throwing cowardly? Yes or no?
My last comment you'll all be glad to know.
For clarity.
Boudebza is called a coward and a French c+nt. See thread title. People on here then wish him crippled for two years.
This I find unpleasant. I'm not the only one thankfully.
I try and point out that the French despite 'Banter' and popular myth are indeed not a cowardly nation (none are) and use Hull´s experience in the wars as an example to compare against theirs (a reference that there maybe some common knowledge of on here).
Cue moral outrage on a level way above the criticism of the other vile comments and ignorance some have shown.
I then respond to these outbursts having the hope that some don't see my point because of who I support and I hope to stop further xenophobic outpouring on this thread.
The issue of Mr. Boudebza's height.
The act of diving.....cheating yes on occasion, sometimes done to avoid dangerous contact yes, deceitful yes on occasion, cowardly no.
There are despicable acts on a rugby field...see Chris Burton, Ben Westwood, Ben Flower (cowardly and sadistic punching an unconscious man) etc etc. The coaching and condoning of pressure on joints which endanger fellow players. I don't see Briscoe or Hunte jumping to address these issues yet someone diving does. Weird.
I used his height as an obvious 'measure' for his personal questionable courage.
All combat sports and many others have weight categories. Why because weight and height brings huge advantages (ask Conner McGregor). Seeing Boudebza tackle very effectively the likes of Pritchard etc leads me to think he is a brave man.
I was saddened by our defeat but not as much by some of the comments on here.
I'll let the comments that follow speak for themselves.