*1865* wrote:Within a professional sports team? I highly doubt it.
Agar also took us to Wembley, he also guided us to 6th in the table, on both occasions we performed better than the Wembley & Hudds debacle of last year. Rumours of players basically 'taking the pi$$' and doing what they wanted under Gentle were rife. Then there's the ridiculous contracts he handed out to certain players as well as almost losing Jamie Shaul because he'd promised his mates lad McDonnell a new deal.
I'd rather they did the best for the squad than what 'appears' best from a fans POV.
Strange that, because they think you're a stand up guy!
I know for a fact that I haven't made the same man management mistakes Radford has. That alone tells me all I need to know. his inability to address the problem during the season and his treatment of certain players just adds to what I know about him as a person and his lack of abilities in pretty much every dept.
I've been trained to manage, I have a proper qualification not one found in the bottom of a pint pot or fag packet, I have real life, real world experience of managing individuals and larger numbers in a cut throat industry & suceeding..Radford hasn't.
I say what I said on what can be seen, you on the other hand and others just want to ignore the obvious and yet make guesses as to whom gave whom what contract and at what amount. All of which our owner was quite happy to sign off yet now he's loading all the blame on the previous encumbant..what a load of b.ollocks. If you want to beleive the two liars at the helm of our club that up to you..I on the other hand are not so blinded by (misplaced) club loyalties to back them at ALL costs.
Having been in the army and worked in private industry I KNOW what works to motivate differing people at all levels, what is required to get them to perform, to give them the tools to help themselves whilst you guide them. I don't need to be particularly great at rugby knowledge, I don't have the inherrant skills or knowledge regarding specifically rugby league, I was a foot soldier when i played and happy to keep it that way. However man mangement, problem solving skills & experience of such translates across ALL industries.
Taking people on an expensive jolly abroad as a 'treat' before they've even proven that they are performing is just a lack of understanding, wasteful financially AND disruptive. You can achieve more and still give a pat on the back without going to such lengths that have no basis whatsoever (within Rugby League players) in enhancing performance or motivation, in some instances it can have quite the opposite effect.
I don't give a flying one what they, you or anyone else thinks, I say it how I see it, I want the club to be professional in what they do, not to spin bullshat and backstabbing two-faced excuses, to look at every single avenue possible, get specialists in for specialist areas because it IS very clear we are not doing the utmost to propel our club to the heights we want.
But the likes of you won't be able to undertsand about professionalism and what it takes to succeed eh, you're a Radford of this world for sure..