carl_spackler wrote:Nowhere does that claim that the first point influenced the other. In fact in the original post in full, it clearly identifies a team meeting as the likely reason, not fan pressure.
The original post was asking where the Radford critics are now that we've played well, in a goading manner possibly implying that those critics are/were wrong. It was the latest in a growing theme over the last 2 weeks seemingly wanting to have a go at the fans who are/were vocally unhappy with how we were playing. Robbo's post very sensibly pointed out the bizarre (non-)logic of questioning why those fans are no longer complaining now that things have changed and implying that change and improvement happening is somehow proof that they were wrong.
It's very simple, those unhappy with how we've been playing have had nothing to be unhappy about for the last 2 weeks. This doesn't mean they were wrong prior to that, it in fact (with notable exceptions) means that they are being entirely fair and rational in their assessments and not stubbornly ripping in when it is not justified. The fact that there isn't instant gushing praise is merely because 2 games is a very small sample size to be convinced that it is not just another false dawn.
I agree on this, as I said in one of my posts we have had very dire rugby in the last 18 months and if we are brutally honest we were seeming to be going backwards in terms of performance and results. That is why fans myself included have questioned the Coach and quite rightly. Now it is pleasing to see that we have played well in the last 2 games and credit to the team as whole for that but 2 games does not prove we have turned a corner or can sustain it as we have seen it so many times before since the 2006 GF appearance.
That for me is why fans are vocal about the coaching and rightly questioning the sudden change of the last 2 games from the way we have played over the past 18months. I for one am not knocking it as it is a breath of fresh air and great to see but doubts are still there as to whether it can be sustained for the remainder of the season.
The changes could well be in part be because the fans are disgruntled and not attending, something that Pearson alluded too in a recent interview and he also stated IIRC that after the Huddersfield game everyone at the club had to take a look at themselves. So maybe he gave them all an honest appraisal of their performances to date and maybe shaken them all out of the comfort zone and they needed to change things, which they have.
Things have changed and rapidly and whilst Radford no doubt will have had input in that, the amount and speed of the changes can not just be down to him suddenly becoming the grand master in terms of coaching.
Whatever are the reasons for change then I for one am happy to see them but will reserve judgement until more than just a couple of games as we have been here way too many times to then see all the promise turn to nothing and face yet another transistional season.