
Time to decide on a team
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Author:  cocker [ Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Time to decide on a team

Effort was there last night , but we looked dis - jointed , unorganised a total shambles especially in attack . Chester has to decide which players are going to play in the key positions of Full back,scrum half and loose forward and give them a chance . Swapping Jowitt/Hampshire every other week is pointless and quite honestly everyone’s had a go at loose

Author:  DAVE@CAS1990 [ Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Time to decide on a team

You guys obviously see more than I do.... But with the 1,6,7 you had last night there wasn't an ounce of creativity.

Effort was certainly there but that'll only get you so far....

Your backs and forwards are fine I just don't think there's enough in your play making positions to give them any service.

Jowitt needs game time in the championship IMO. He's clearly got something but doesn't get enough game time to fulfil his potential. Grix is steady but if Jowitt is the future then he needs exposure.

Miller I've seen kick a 55m drop goal but I'm really not sure what else he's done. You guys seem to rate him so I'm obviously missing something.... But he's never set the world alight. He's signed a long contract and if he's gonna be your 6 for the next 4 years then I don't think you'll get the best out of your backs. Rocky is still a project, far from the finished article but again he needs a good run of games.

I'm not a coach.... But rotating half backs every single week just seems plain dumb to me. Surely you can't get any consistency in your performances when your pivots are changing every game

Author:  Big lads mate [ Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Time to decide on a team

cocker wrote:Effort was there last night , but we looked dis - jointed , unorganised a total shambles especially in attack . Chester has to decide which players are going to play in the key positions of Full back,scrum half and loose forward and give them a chance . Swapping Jowitt/Hampshire every other week is pointless and quite honestly everyone’s had a go at loose

Not everybody :thumb:

Author:  Lockers700 [ Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Time to decide on a team


I'm not a coach.... But rotating half backs every single week just seems plain dumb to me. Surely you can't get any consistency in your performances when your pivots are changing every game[/quote]

You are absolutely right mate but he's getting no game management from whoever he picks at 7 at the moment. He's gonna have to make a decision & stick with it, but it's not pretty at the moment!

Author:  Sacred Cow [ Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Time to decide on a team

Big lads mate wrote:Not everybody :thumb:

Nope and sadly the time has come to look after his own career before it stalls and it gets too late to rectify. His seems to be the odd man out here. A change of scenery would do him the power of good.

Author:  DAVE@CAS1990 [ Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Time to decide on a team

Lockers700 wrote:You are absolutely right mate but he's getting no game management from whoever he picks at 7 at the moment. He's gonna have to make a decision & stick with it, but it's not pretty at the moment!

I guess it kinda makes sense if he's just not found a 7 who's playing as he would like..... There again though, if you're in one week and out the next you'll never really nail it.

It's hard to say which of your halves compliment each other the best. You've a big pack and if they get rolling then you've got pace on the outside.... I'd say you're a more dangerous side playing with flair than most, the workmanlike side of your game isn't getting you very far....

As I've said on another thread, effort from Wakefield was in abundance last night but there was just too many basic errors to even begin to put a game together.

What I will say though is that in wood and randell Wakefield look very sharp around the ruck.... Their individual efforts get you a hell of a long way, similar to mcshane and milner for cas.

Those four players don't have lift the rest with the intensity of their game.

Felt a bit sorry for England last night.... He seemed to be in the middle of everything that went wrong. Just one of those nights for him. Put the ball down about 5 times, gave a few pens away, then the poor bugga had to be the one chasing mcshane 45 yards with 2 minutes left

Author:  Big lads mate [ Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Time to decide on a team

Sacred Cow wrote:Nope and sadly the time has come to look after his own career before it stalls and it gets too late to rectify. His seems to be the odd man out here. A change of scenery would do him the power of good.

Correct :D :thumb:

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