Yes good luck,We all know london, crusaders, Are a a protected species,It would just be better if the rfl came clean about that and said it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
As a widnes fan i know what it feels like to be done over but to be honest,You wasnt banging on about how unfair it was 3 years ago when we dident make the grade.
I say why not 16 teams the cap isnt mega money like what the footy spend and the rfl have just stated making a profit,Hows about them throwing some money back in to make a 16 team comp viable.With promotion and relegation every 3 years for 2 teams !!!!!!!!.The bottom team goes straight down with the other half playing off for the other relegation spot.
And the championship leaders coming straight up and a playoff for the second spot,how entertaining would that 3rd year be,and something for all clubs to get ready for,Wont happen yet but 1 day they will come to there senses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!