
Chester out
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Author:  homme vaste [ Thu May 17, 2018 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chester out

lampyboy wrote:Our pack may be big but we lack that grunt and aggression . Most S L clubs packs have at least one member who can go over near rhe line we seem to get held up over the line. I always like a no nonsense pack member we just don't have one.

We have in my eyes one of the best prop forwards in the league in Fifita who is a handful to stop near the line, he drags in four or five to stop him and then we benefit from the very next play...

Huby, England, Fifita (And Hirst when he gets his chances) are all playing very well and Pauli is getting better every time I watch him play. I think England is that grunt and aggression, he has a very direct style of play which seems to go unnoticed by many.

I don`t think we have an issue with our pack.

Author:  alegend [ Thu May 17, 2018 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chester out

Though the pack played well last week

Author:  lampyboy [ Thu May 17, 2018 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chester out

the pack lacks that aggression , yes they hit up but don't seem to have that bit extra to break through. compared to last season I would say on the whole that our packs gone soft. I'm not sure how anyone can say our packs been good and our results would go along way to say the complete opposite .

Author:  snowie [ Thu May 17, 2018 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chester out

wrencat1873 wrote:Bang on the money Slugger.

Trinity are still doing exceptionally well for a club with their resources.
If SL standings were based on spend, we would be 12th every season and to have finished 5th last time (and only seconds away from 4th) has caused some fans to "expect" similar or better this time around.
There are concerns with some of our attacking plays and generally, we're not worrying our opponents enough but, the reality is that we are still punching well above our weight and with all the big clubs in decent form, we will be doing well to finish 6th / 7th and anything above would be a huge bonus.
We're all still hacked of about going out of the cup with a whimper but, when you look back over the past 6/7 seasons, this is just about as good as it gets and with Cas on the slide, there is always a chance that we could sneak up the table.

Come on Trin !
I'll be honest I well hacked off with being knocked out of the cup, but then its just silverware I suppose as the money is in super league,
look at it from a fans point of view, 50 years on from losing in the final against our local opponents we had a chance to put something to bed with our best team in years but its now water under the bridge,
I even had a gut feeling that had we put our energies into it we could of still a top 8 finish as well as decent run in the cup and even put a bet on it which I never do, had known we would of gone out resting players I would of given the money to the club instead.
I'd of loved to see what the Wakefield public had of done had got there, could of been an increase in attendances but now I feel there's nothing to play for,
do I think we get within the top 4, no, we've lost too many to the teams above us

when I think back to the cups that was available to win back in the 70s there is only 3 now, 4 if you count Adam Watene's trophy

I still think we have the right team and managed by the right coach, I know we have the right management and great set working with them
patience is a virtue but I'm running out of years :lol:

Author:  PopTart [ Thu May 17, 2018 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chester out

Let's be realistic. We were not going to win the trophy this year.
We should have won and I was disappointed on the day but we got what our performance deserved and it's gone now. If it kick starts the rest of the season I'll be happy we lost.

Author:  snowie [ Thu May 17, 2018 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chester out

PopTart wrote:Let's be realistic. We were not going to win the trophy this year.
We should have won and I was disappointed on the day but we got what our performance deserved and it's gone now. If it kick starts the rest of the season I'll be happy we lost.
realistic be all means

would you said the same to Sheffield when they won it

come on each cup game can be targeted to the team you play, that cup this year was winnable with this squad this year and would of meant something special after 50 years and what happened to poor Don.
I expect us to be in the top 8 anyway, now your saying kick start the rest of the season so your expectations must be a top 4 then

Author:  steadygetyerboots-on [ Thu May 17, 2018 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chester out

I genuinely can’t believe some of the comments regarding cup & potential league finishes on here recently. I get that most of you have supported Wakey through thin & thinner, but you don’t half talk yourselves down!
I’d say that your squad is at the least the same as last year & is arguably stronger; so why shouldn’t you be confident & try to improve? All this worrying about other teams & “under par year last year for bigger clubs” talk is what keeps clubs like ours (Cas) in their place.
I said on here earlier in the year that the biggest change required at wakey was the mindset of the fans. You have to start thinking like a successful club & believing it. You have loads to be positive about & positivity encourages more positivity which in time will lead to more spectators coming. You could argue that this is what JK brought to the table; belief. The players believed it & look what happened last year.
All this talk of being where you should be based on spend & fans etc is a cop out in my opinion. It’s as if some people are worried to be positive in case they are shot down later; so what if you get it wrong? It’s better to be optimistic & back the club rather than throwing the towel in cos the terrace’s are crumbling or you get a bit wet at games!
I apologise if it’s a bit ranty, but if you keep settling for 6-8 guess where you’ll always end up.

Author:  PopTart [ Thu May 17, 2018 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chester out

snowie wrote:realistic be all means

would you said the same to Sheffield when they won it

come on each cup game can be targeted to the team you play, that cup this year was winnable with this squad this year and would of meant something special after 50 years and what happened to poor Don.
I expect us to be in the top 8 anyway, now your saying kick start the rest of the season so your expectations must be a top 4 then

Sheffield were only underdogs in the final because they were playing Wigan. They were no mugs. They'd been in the semi the previous year I think and that was when you had to play all rounds.

Of course it would be nice to win on the anniversary of that game but let's not kid ourselves. That team was a double championship winning team. We have a lot of potential in our team but we are not the 68 team.

Kick start means playing better......at the moment we need to improve to make sure of 8 whether you expect it or not.

Author:  BOJ042 [ Fri May 18, 2018 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Chester out

THE only thing we have to play for now is stay in the top 8 when and if (if we play like we have been its going to be a big if) that is confirmed - season is over - we are going to have about 10 meaningless games to finish the season - we are so far away from being close to a top 6 side let alone at top 4 - we will be happy to finsh 8th and that for our club and budget is a good season.

we threw away a cup final shot why o why

Author:  Trinity1315 [ Fri May 18, 2018 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Chester out

Most teams in SL have as much chance of winning the CC as any other club. We've blown ours for another year.
We have arguably our best squad (we think anyway) in years and capable I think of a top 8 place AND winning the CC.
The best team in SL this season by a mile are Saints and we beat them. We played as we should have been all season.
Should have been in 2nd round of cup but we succumbed.
May scrape into top 8 but from what I've seen so far this season expect nothing beyond that!

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