
Stadium and other issues
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Author:  FOREVERTRIN [ Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

Quite often when I'm driving past BV I think 'superb new stadium,shame about the 2 eyesores spoiling the frontage'
For me it's either buy them and flatten them,(if a decent price can be agreed) or just forget about them.

Author:  PopTart [ Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

Yep. I'd at least knock the little showroom down but I'd knock all that down and use the space differently.
Depending on price of course.

Author:  lifelongfan [ Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

Let me say before I begin, this is an observation not a grumble.

It regards the siting of the big screen in relation to the North stand, the further you go into the stand towards Donny road the less you see of it, never been in the upper part, but would be surprised if you could see it at all. That's quite a big chunk of fans who cannot see it.

Would the South West corner been a better option ?

Author:  1315trinity [ Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

lifelongfan wrote:Let me say before I begin, this is an observation not a grumble.

It regards the siting of the big screen in relation to the North stand, the further you go into the stand towards Donny road the less you see of it, never been in the upper part, but would be surprised if you could see it at all. That's quite a big chunk of fans who cannot see it.

Would the South West corner been a better option ?

I have an observation too.
I stand on the corner near to but not immediately under the big screen.
Lots complain on that corner because the PA system is directed under the north stand!
It can hardly be heard from where I stand!

Author:  Khlav Kalash [ Thu Jun 27, 2024 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

The screen wasn't working properly on Sunday anyway with only half a screen visible. Seems to be very glichy. Hopefully we will have some comeback on whoever supplied it. If/when the NS roof is lifted it should hopefully be more visible.

Author:  Trojan Horse [ Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

Khlav Kalash wrote:The screen wasn't working properly on Sunday anyway with only half a screen visible. Seems to be very glichy. Hopefully we will have some comeback on whoever supplied it. If/when the NS roof is lifted it should hopefully be more visible.

Let’s hope so, there’s always been the odd pixel missing most games.

The NS upper is so restrictive on what could be a much higher capacity stand. Though I don’t expect it will be on the to do list for a while yet with the south east restaraunt/sports bar seemingly up first in the off season.

If we can up the capacity some way before or during next season then great. Can see us hitting max for games like Leeds/Cas/KR etc.

As for the showroom place for sale. Waste of money that could be spent elswhere.

You’d have the cost of purchase, cost of pulling the property/extension down or refurbishing it. Would probably cost as much as the LED boards.

My thoughts are that Ellis is a business man. You have to consider either monetary or utilisation payback to the outlay value.

The size of the foot print is relatively low and restrictive. The building quality looks poor on the extension especially.

But what would you actually use it for to justify the spend?

A lot of people saying club shop.

That’s an expensive outlay for something we already have and also could incorporate elsewhere.

You could probably secure a shop in Trinity walk and utilise the screen for advertising highlights and deals/matches for 5 years and more and likely still not reach the price you’d outlay but also benefit in neutral footfall and city centre enhanced presence. Or you could just stick with ridings and have pop up shops in stadium locations at match days selling smaller/match day items and accessories at a tiny cost. It’s just not viable unless it’s a seriously small price or Ellis feels like burning some cash.

That said if he can find a use that would make it worthwhile then great.

Maybe player training facility/gym but I don’t think it’s that big at all. I just can’t see how it would pay back. Especially with the stadium needing work, LED etc to guarantee points, options to increase capacity etc.

Author:  ash11 [ Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

Unless something has fallen through, the seller accepted an offer on the unit a few months back from the resident of the house next door. I believe the plans are to turn the unit into an education Centre of some kind.

Author:  The Avenger [ Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

We are getting a bit too comfortable spending Matt Ellis’s money aren’t we, myself included.

However, it’s nice to speculate so, if we bought it I’d probably just demolish it and create more car parking spaces.
I know they’d be a very expensive 20 odd spaces but the purchase would give us 100% ownership of the site with no future considerations required for the owners of those properties, we could also secure the car park properly

No doubt there are more pressing things for Mr Ellis to spend his money on so while it’s nice to play fantasy Rugby Club Owner, I’ll sit back and let Matt do it for real

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