dboy wrote:They'd go from a 7th, 7th, 11th average, to a 7th, 11th, 11th average.
2021 7 3.3333
2022 7 3.3333
2023 11 2.8889 3.1852 3-year ave
2024 11 2.8889 3.0370 3-year ave
0.1481 drop
I agree. But that isn't the end of the calculation.
Once that is done, the teams are reordered into a league table and given a new score.
So last time 3.1852 put them in 9th so were allocated 3.11, with Hull and Leigh below them.
This year Leigh will be much higher and Hull I think will just scrape above over the average, putting Cas in 11th.
So the actual points for the IMG score drops 0.22