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Author:  Mr. Mojo Risin [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:22 am ]
Post subject: 

adam9641 wrote:I admit I was stood there as that is our usual spot. It was about the showers and about going down. Made me laugh a little bit but like I have said, I much prefer Wakey songs which we did sing most of the night.

To be fair Adam, you do tend to be part to the Arsene Wenger 'I never saw it / heard it bridage'......

In terms of the prformance, I thought it was our worst of the year, but to be fair the front row was down to (less than) the bare bones, so we were never going to be able to build any sort of platform.

On a positive note, I am very proud of my club tonight, the tribute to Leon was suberb, hats off to SKY also

Author:  Matt_Horton [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:40 am ]
Post subject: 

t-r-i-n-i-t-y wrote:(Shame the chants about directed at a certain player...I guess some will never go for thie 'respect' thing, no-one on here though I am sure!)

Not appropriate for that tonight I'm afriad. Even the muppets in the South Stand at Headingley were in a similar mode as well.

Author:  upthecats [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Whatever Pryce has done was irrelevant tonight, it was all about respect.

He was a joy to watch on the pitch with a masterful performance and he came across as a true gent in his after match interview.

That earned my respect tonight.

Author:  El Rey [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:37 am ]
Post subject: 

t-r-i-n-i-t-y wrote:That and the weather. We've all taken the first steps tonight, it can only get easier from here, I hope.

(Shame the chants about directed at a certain player...I guess some will never go for thie 'respect' thing, no-one on here though I am sure!)

Shocking....first home defeat since August and against one of the main challengers!

I left Prycey alone last night and did not mention his "faults" but i don't have any respect for him at all, is that ok with you.

I don't have any respect for that useless French ref either but there you go, like Thor says you need to earn it and not be given it.


Author:  Eurob0y [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Why were you all singing "going down, going down, going down"? You do know you are safe this season dont you because there is no relegation?

Author:  chissitt [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:58 am ]
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mutley cat wrote:the ones about a certain Pryce and the possibilities off a custodial sentence and what may happen to him

maybe im an old fart but i don't find it funny epically on a day where our club mattered more than anything

Could not agree withyou more. Rugby fans my @rse totally embarrassing. :oops:

Author:  El Rey [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:09 am ]
Post subject: 

mutley cat wrote:the ones about a certain Pryce and the possibilities off a custodial sentence and what may happen to him

maybe im an old fart but i don't find it funny epically on a day where our club mattered more than anything

I concur.

Don't disagree Mutts but sometimes fans react in the wrong way at the wrong time and the guy is not doing himself and favours is he.

Would have been better offering support to our players than having a go at LP, but as i say feelings running high sometimes cause people to speak out of turn.

For the record i did not get involved but was stood in the area and if a had a problem last night it would have been the so called fans that left early.

Author:  rabbitohjef [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:26 am ]
Post subject: 

As a viewer watching the game on Sky i was embarassed for your club by the antics of a minority of your supporters with their idiotic chants directed at Pryce.The chants could be clearly heard on the TV and spoiled a night of respect for a young lad who had lost his life a few days before.I hope these idiots are proud of themselves this morning.

Author:  Eurob0y [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:27 am ]
Post subject: 

rabbitohjef wrote:As a viewer watching the game on Sky i was embarassed for your club by the antics of a minority of your supporters with their idiotic chants directed at Pryce.The chants could be clearly heard on the TV and spoiled a night of respect for a young lad who had lost his life a few days before.I hope these idiots are proud of themselves this morning.

How silly will those Wakefield fans feel now, after watching his superb post match Interview

Author:  gateaux [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:37 am ]
Post subject: 

rabbitohjef wrote:As a viewer watching the game on Sky i was embarassed for your club by the antics of a minority of your supporters with their idiotic chants directed at Pryce.The chants could be clearly heard on the TV and spoiled a night of respect for a young lad who had lost his life a few days before.I hope these idiots are proud of themselves this morning.
You always get a small minority of fans who will cause problems, or say inappropriate things no matter which club they support, or what has happened recently.

But lets not let that distract from the fact the vast majority of fans from both clubs last night showed how wonderful our game is and came together to try to help Wakefield and Leon Walkers family through this difficult time.

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