
Wigan next.
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Author:  Trojan Horse [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wigan next.

I also cringe when the swearing and profanities come out. For all the great effort to sing and cheer on the team they let themselves down.

Author:  vastman [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wigan next.

bren2k wrote:Well that was very satisfying; our first 30 minutes were, I think, flawless - no penalties, no errors and 100% completion? Wigan barely touched the ball and when they did, we knocked them right off their game - lovely stuff.

I can't think of a player who let us down - but special mentions to Jowitt, Pauli, Big Dave and Hampshire; and that pairing of him and Miller looked great - quick, sharp and very inventive. BJB a very worthy motm - he was absolute class for the full 80.

Most satisfying to see Mr Child hand out penalties for backchat - it seems clear now that they've been told to clamp down on it, and I fully support that initiative; love seeing Tomkins put in his place. Maybe the next directive could be to penalise SoL every time he a) tackles around the neck and b) when he cynically reefs the ball out? Great player, but as Dave pointed out pre-match, an absolute grub.

Good work from the North Stand with the Rectum songs - but I do wish you'd cut out the C word stuff - it's a bridge too far; that used to be a word that men would never say around women - what happened?! Or am I just old fashioned?

Last night showed the value of a squad full of good players. Yes all those you mentioned stood out last night but the great thing is that next week it may be another group of players.

But in a way it was what the other players did that really mattered even if they didn't catch the eye as much.

TJ - had a relatively quiet game but suddenly pops up with a wonder try when it really mattered - one chance all game and as ever he rarely misses.

England - ran the ball in hard and relentlessly all the first half, not fancy but effective.

Hirst - probably the most pleasing for me because when he came on I didn't notice any difference, I didn't even notice him! He just got his head down and drove the ball in with exactly the same venom as England - he may be SL standard after all.

The above of course applies to them all to be honest.

People keep saying we have underachieved this season, well we haven't, what we've done until last night is fail to over-achieve and it's over over-achieving that wins you things and that includes teams like Saints and indeed Wigan.

We just need to carry on and dare to win.

Author:  Adam_Harrison9 [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wigan next.

vastman wrote:Last night showed the value of a squad full of good players. Yes all those you mentioned stood out last night but the great thing is that next week it may be another group of players.

But in a way it was what the other players did that really mattered even if they didn't catch the eye as much.

TJ - had a relatively quiet game but suddenly pops up with a wonder try when it really mattered - one chance all game and as ever he rarely misses.

England - ran the ball in hard and relentlessly all the first half, not fancy but effective.

Hirst - probably the most pleasing for me because when he came on I didn't notice any difference, I didn't even notice him! He just got his head down and drove the ball in with exactly the same venom as England - he may be SL standard after all.

The above of course applies to them all to be honest.

People keep saying we have underachieved this season, well we haven't, what we've done until last night is fail to over-achieve and it's over over-achieving that wins you things and that includes teams like Saints and indeed Wigan.

We just need to carry on and dare to win.

Hirst has been pretty solid for the majority of the year. Dropped off the last few games like a lot of the players but he started the season well. Definitely a SL player. Just wish he'd adapt his running style a bit as he runs it in far too straight at times which makes him easy to pick up and drive back. He needs to bend his back and drop his shoulder a bit more.

Author:  Wollo-Wollo-Wollo-Wayoo [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wigan next.

vastman wrote:TJ - had a relatively quiet game but suddenly pops up with a wonder try when it really mattered - one chance all game and as ever he rarely misses.


I thought TJ was quiet until I watched a replay on TV when I got home. He worked his socks off driving the ball out and pulled off some crucial tackles in defence, capped by the hit on O'Loughlin that really made the game safe when the ball was spilled.

Author:  vastman [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wigan next.

Wollo-Wollo-Wollo-Wayoo wrote:I thought TJ was quiet until I watched a replay on TV when I got home. He worked his socks off driving the ball out and pulled off some crucial tackles in defence, capped by the hit on O'Loughlin that really made the game safe when the ball was spilled.

Yeah I meant quiet in terms of scoring opportunities.

Author:  wrencat1873 [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wigan next.

Trojan Horse wrote:I also cringe when the swearing and profanities come out. For all the great effort to sing and cheer on the team they let themselves down.

They should know that Trinity could be hock for some of the stuff they are chanting, obviously no respect for their fellow fans, especially those with young kids :CRAZY: and the image of the club, althouigh, just a few have previously demonstrated their inability to think of others.
I may be starting to sound like my old man but, keep it clean (ish) and light hearted and then EVERYONE can enjoy the game, not just the few who have had a little more drink than they can cope with :IDEA:

Author:  MashPotatoes [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wigan next.

Reece had a great game too. He’s shown recently that you can put him opposite any centre in Super League. His reading of the game and defence has stepped up a level this season.

Author:  snowie [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wigan next.

wrencat1873 wrote:Agreed.
They should know that Trinity could be hock for some of the stuff they are chanting, obviously no respect for their fellow fans, especially those with young kids :CRAZY: and the image of the club, althouigh, just a few have previously demonstrated their inability to think of others.
I may be starting to sound like my old man but, keep it clean (ish) and light hearted and then EVERYONE can enjoy the game, not just the few who have had a little more drink than they can cope with :IDEA:
the chanting has got monotonous especially the one stand up if you support the Trin,
fans feel obliged to get up and down when they are singing it, well sorry my booty stays seated and it doesn't make me any less or more of a supporter

Author:  wtid71 [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wigan next.

Have to agree I cringed when I heard some of the language in the chants last night with lots of young kids about.
Magic weekend was an eye opener when the KR fans descended on our end :shock:

Author:  Kevs Head [ Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wigan next.

The foul mouthed chanting does need sorting out if only in the context of increasing crowds. I no longer take newcomers to home matches because it’s embarrasing and I’m sure some existing fans are put off by it.

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