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Author:  Redscat [ Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalans

Kettykat wrote:Didn’t take Catalan long to exploit finny’s side on two occasions in the first half which left him grasping at thin air.
Have said for a long time that our players are stood receiving the ball and get little or no forward momentum before being tackled
Every Catalan player was running onto the ball and making good metres them selfs or offloading gaining more metres .
Catalan did the basics very well ,running hard and tackling well,both of which we were very poor at tonight .
On tonight’s performance I’d drop keegan and Finn ,keegan was bossed about all night and made no impact what so ever either going forward or in the tackle ,if he made one .
Poor Finn must realise that he can no longer offer us what we need in a half back ,we just seemed clueless near their line .
Tonight I’d say plenty of effort from most but very poor execution and game plan .
I had this game down for a tuff win but if we stick with this side I honestly don’t know where our next points are coming from .
Can’t think of another team that swing so far between good and bad performances like that .
Yet again when destiny was in our own hands we now have to rely on others to help.
On a side note ,good crowd turned out tonight just don’t know how many will want to come back after the performance.
We seem to be the masters at shooting ourselfs in the foot.

V Good post Ketty. I agree with everything that you said there

Author:  Eastern Wildcat [ Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalans

Agree with pretty much everything there Kettycat, good post

Author:  leedscat [ Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalans

PopTart wrote:I kind of agree about Keegan but who replaces him.
England looks injured
Huby still out
Balwinson away on loan.

We are down on numbers in front row.

Well thats poor coaching why let players go on loan when uour short

Author:  PopTart [ Sun Jul 08, 2018 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalans

Because we weren't short when he went on loan.

Author:  Kettykat [ Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalans

Makes you wonder the coaches reason for keeping Finn on the whole game when even we could see he was been exploited by Catalan,who soon picked up on his weakness.
It seems unbelievable that we can put in performances like that yet we can beat saints at our place ,and should have won at theirs ,run warrington so close at home, and put in some really top draw performances along the way .
We are well into the season now so no excuses that we are gelling or getting used to each other ,
Is it the coaching that’s the problem or the players attitude or something else, I which I knew but whatever it is it’s needs sorting real quick so we don’t get dragged into the dogfight at the end of the year

Author:  Willzay [ Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalans

Im afraid we are in a dogfight Kettycat, last nights result has put us into the mix, whichever makes the performance all the more infuriating.

Author:  chissitt [ Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalans

Sacred Cow wrote:Baldwinson back next week.[b] Arona is more than capable than doing the job whilst England has a week off to recover.[/b] There’s a lad called Crowther that wouldn’t have minded a craic at the first team as well.

Talking of which, last night at the match I dropped on a friend of everybody on here, he's affectionally called somebody in the know, anyway he's telling me that the club are after off loading Arona which I think everybody and his dog knows, so not wanting to appear rude I asked him why and he says it's because of the wages, personally I could not care less what he's on as it's out of my control, but I will say one thing whatever he's on comparing with that Pauli he's certainly value for money.

I took a friend to last nights game ex player and ex Leeds fan, who as he says has better things to do with his time and money, anyway after the game he made 2 comments, the first one was Catalans were the better team and deserved their win, the second one was what's pauli's role in this team other than to play the ball after Cats turned the ball over, if he'd have asked me a question on pop music i might have been able to answer him.

With regards to Jordan Crowther I simply can't pass comment as I have never seen him play, but I'm quite sure he'd have shown far more passion than that lump who for me only broke sweat when he rushed for the ball to play it when they turned it over on the last tackle leaving young Rocky to take it up on our ten metre line, just thought I'd give it a mention and balance things out as the rest of the forwards have been criticised.

Author:  Adam_Harrison9 [ Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalans

chissitt wrote:Talking of which, last night at the match I dropped on a friend of everybody on here, he's affectionally called somebody in the know, anyway he's telling me that the club are after off loading Arona which I think everybody and his dog knows, so not wanting to appear rude I asked him why and he says it's because of the wages, personally I could not care less what he's on as it's out of my control, but I will say one thing whatever he's on comparing with that Pauli he's certainly value for money.

I took a friend to last nights game ex player and ex Leeds fan, who as he says has better things to do with his time and money, anyway after the game he made 2 comments, the first one was Catalans were the better team and deserved their win, the second one was what's pauli's role in this team other than to play the ball after Cats turned the ball over, if he'd have asked me a question on pop music i might have been able to answer him.

With regards to Jordan Crowther I simply can't pass comment as I have never seen him play, but I'm quite sure he'd have shown far more passion than that lump who for me only broke sweat when he rushed for the ball to play it when they turned it over on the last tackle leaving young Rocky to take it up on our ten metre line, just thought I'd give it a mention and balance things out as the rest of the forwards have been criticised.

Pauli might not have been great yesterday. Unfortunately, I was ill so couldn't make it. However, he has been great for the last 7 or 8 games so I can forgive that. I find it odd that the entire team plays pretty badly and then back comes up the Pauli criticism. There are players that haven't pulled their weight for the last 8 games/season... no hints needed.

Author:  chissitt [ Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalans

Adam_Harrison9 wrote:Pauli might not have been great yesterday. Unfortunately, I was ill so couldn't make it. However, he has been great for the last 7 or 8 games so I can forgive that. I find it odd that the entire team plays pretty badly and then back comes up the Pauli criticism. There are players that haven't pulled their weight for the last 8 games/season... no hints needed.

It was quite clear with a couple of your comments that you weren't at the match, I could not care less about the last 7 or is it 8 games that you think he's been great that's your opinion, although you did not go you say that the entire team played badly, presumably that's the opinion of somebody that did go, I find it odd myself that although the team played pretty badly in your words, you find time to defend a player who you did not see play, on the balance of the last 7 or 8 games, other than last nights game I don't have a problem with Pauli, unlike you I went to the match and all the forwards have been criticised on here for yesterdays game except in my opinion our worst forward on the night Pauli, what's odd about that?

Author:  Wildmoggy [ Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Catalans

After watching the post match interview, does anybody know who the forward is we have signed for next season?? I can't believe there's been no names flying around, either on here or at games, I haven't heard anyone being mentioned, unless I've missed something on here.

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