
Stadium and other issues
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Author:  1315trinity [ Wed Mar 15, 2023 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

altofts wildcat wrote:I have listened but I was under the impression that the club were not funding the refurb bar the £2mil we got from the council so unless something has changed in that respect then what he is saying is bending the truth. They may well have kicked us out and I wouldn't blame them but by having the coach and players that we have we are effectively kicking ourselves out of SL.

'Bending the truth' infers dishonesty - I don't think JM is that type of man .
We're all frustrated by the state we're in but at least this way we have a fighting chance of staying up!

Author:  alegend [ Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

FIL wrote:Told you I'm not a gardener :D :D

I am not a gardener , But if had been told that your new pitch needs 16 week to bed in ,I would have not had 4 teams training on it after 6 week

Author:  altofts wildcat [ Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

vastman wrote:But you can, no money means a poor team unless you hit lucky and we have not in recent years. We have been signing bargain basement players for years and have been very fortunate in that most paid off - that now seems to have gone the other way, a mixture of injuries and players who just don't seem to mesh. When things go that way you just don't get losses you also get poor rugby to watch.

There is a lot of pressure on Applegarth and Ford to create something from very little, they need our support not our scorn.

I agree with what you are saying which is one of the reasons why I feel that we would have been better going for a more experienced coach who is proven. I am not having a go at Applegarth but I just feel like he was the wrong type of appointment considering our situation

Author:  Egg Banjo [ Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

altofts wildcat wrote:I agree with what you are saying which is one of the reasons why I feel that we would have been better going for a more experienced coach who is proven. I am not having a go at Applegarth but I just feel like he was the wrong type of appointment considering our situation

Exactly. If you're going to scrimp and save on the squad, you need to invest a little bit more in the training set up to bring in a coach who is proven to be able to get the best from a threadbare and weak team. But instead the club also scrimped on the coaching set up with quite predictable results.

Author:  BarnsleyGull [ Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

Egg Banjo wrote:Exactly. If you're going to scrimp and save on the squad, you need to invest a little bit more in the training set up to bring in a coach who is proven to be able to get the best from a threadbare and weak team. But instead the club also scrimped on the coaching set up with quite predictable results.

Who - at the time - would you have suggested?

Author:  Kettykat [ Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

Reading the comments about the other clubs putting the collective boot in at every available opportunity, surely if ever motivation was needed or required , the players and coach have the perfect repost to use this in a positive way and to put a collective two fingers up to the perpetrators, starting with a win at Salford , boy can you imagine the furore it would cause in the establishment.

Author:  BarnsleyGull [ Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

Kettykat wrote:Reading the comments about the other clubs putting the collective boot in at every available opportunity, surely if ever motivating was needed or required , the players and coach have the perfect repost to use this in a positive way and to put a collective two fingers up to the perpetrators, starting with a win at Salford , boy can you imagine the furore it would cause in the establishment.

.....And on here with some KK..... :roll: :lol:

Author:  altofts wildcat [ Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

BarnsleyGull wrote:Who - at the time - would you have suggested?

We don't know who applied or even if there was an actual proper process because it seemed to be very quick from WP leaving to MA being appointed, certainly not enough time to research all potential candidates properly. Even somebody like Danny Ward had a good track record at London of getting better performances and results out of a group of players who on paper didn't look up to much.

Author:  BarnsleyGull [ Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

altofts wildcat wrote:We don't know who applied or even if there was an actual proper process because it seemed to be very quick from WP leaving to MA being appointed, certainly not enough time to research all potential candidates properly. Even somebody like Danny Ward had a good track record at London of getting better performances and results out of a group of players who on paper didn't look up to much.

It "seemed" to be quick?
How do you know that the board didn't look at and interview other candidates for the job?
I personally don't know that they did, but similarly you don't actually know that they didn't.

Author:  Kettykat [ Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stadium and other issues

Personally couldn’t see a overseas coach applying for the job with the constraints we have regarding monies available and players already contracted , and that’s where I believe Mash was the perfect shoe in , as he’s fully clued up on life on the bottom rung of the ladder and isn’t going to throw the teddy out when told ( sorry no money available) . He’s been around the club too long and knows the crack . Where mark suffers imo over say Peet who obviously has a vastly different set up and monies available, but share the same trajectory at their respective clubs but Peet has the old war horse Wayne to steady the ship and a ear to listen , whereas Mash I feel has no one with that vast experience to call on in times of need , even his sidekick Ford hasn’t got anything like that experience at the highest level . Hopefully the team and coach will settle into some sort of rhythm and get our attack back on song before we are left high and dry and too far off the pack ahead .

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