TRB wrote:[clubhatmode] Whilst you are saving a few quid on your shirt if you buy from here, you undoubtedly take away a valuable income stream from the club. It is a free world, and you can choose either way (you certainly won't effect the club if you buy a Bulls shirt!!!), but please bear this in mind if you do choose this way[/clubhatmode]
Quite right!
In my situation (different to most other people's, admittedly), I don't mind spending my money on items from the club shop as opposed to cheaper retail outlets.
I don't get to see that many games a year, don't have a season ticket, so I see this as my way of contributing something financially towards the club, and still getting something I like in return. I don't have the expenses that a lot of people/familes have on a weekly basis, following their team, but I don't have that enjoyment either.
On my last visit, the shop was well stocked, even though it was mid-season, and well run. In addition to other stuff, I bought a shirt for a friend of mine over here and was told that if it was the wrong size, I could post it back and they'd replace it. I don't know if I'd have got that service from a normal retail outlet, but I doubt it.
Can't see any reason to gripe, tbh.