
Will you stand by this club.
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Author:  FIL [ Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

tamargrace wrote:i'll still be going with little un's but will miss the trip to catalan greatly! 5 years on the bounce and not even the chance of a trip to toulouse now.

Is Barrow much different to Catalan/Toulouse ?????? :THINK: :THINK:

Author:  Mr Bliss [ Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

FIL wrote:Is Barrow much different to Catalan/Toulouse ?????? :THINK: :THINK:

Lingo about the same
A lot of differencefood and prices!

Author:  MUTLEYS BUTLER [ Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

BIGAL1 wrote:On the 26th we will be told our fate, if we get the boot are you staying to support AG and the name of Wakefield Trinity or are you legging it and running for the hills.

I'll stay because whatever feelings i have about the franchise system Wakefield till i die means exactly that and when i'm gone i'll leave money in my will to buy a season ticket the year after.

You guys can call it how you see it but "stuff em" they ain't getting shut of me.

sir is peed of with SL at moment and if truth be known is quite looking foward to rochdale/fev/batley/dewsbury ect .


Author:  feline [ Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

I went to Nottingham Uni, came back many weekends to watch Wakey, moved to Lincoln when married and again we came back most weekends for the rugby, moved nearer, Bradford and again were drawn home. Moved back to Wakey and brought 2 boys into the world who played rugby for a while and went to games and all the events of the junior supporters I ran almost single handedly with help from such as Mr & Mrs Big Al. My boys stopped watching and now my hubby rarely attends, the last few games I have almost had to drag myself there. Wakey has been so much part of my life and has always drawn me back but the RFL have spoilt the game for me we are further away from the Aussies than ever, the 2 games this weekend on tv were dire and its ' have to visit a old relative' feeling watching Wakey at the moment which am sure its because of 26th July hanging over us . lets hope it can once more be enjoyable ...I must admit we do have a good laugh where we stand regardless of the 'action'on the pitch

Author:  Poynton [ Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

I have watched Trinity for 50 years. I have nowhere else to go at 3.30 on a sunday.. I have watched therm at Huyton infront of a crowd of 200 and still enjoyed the game.If it is a choice between free flowing rugby in the championship or 5 drives and a kick and still getting thrashed in the SL i know which i prefer. This has been the most boring season out of the 50 and JK is the main one to blame. We started with a group of young lads who were giving 100% and although we only won 3 games in the first 10 we were competing in most of them .Then JK started to pick unfit players who did not deserve their place in the team . ( first Jeremy Smith , then the disastrous Hickey signing , then Tadulala ) Young guns realised giving 100% was not enough to get you selected,you need the antipodean accent. There was no point in busting a gut , you needed a beer gut to get picked. I think even the young lads who WERE getting picked every week like Mariano realised the club was a laughing stock and performances suffered as a result. If we had stuck with the early selection policy we may not have won many more games but the games would have been worth watching. Roll on the Championship because one thing we all know is that the likes of J Smith Hickey and Tadulala wont want to stay at championship wages because they are not here for the rugby just the beer money.

Author:  Wollo-Wollo-Wollo-Wayoo [ Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

Never any doubt that I will watch Wakefield at whatever level they end up. Don't think anybody will be "happy" if we lose Super League status but there's no point crying our eyes out. Wakefield achieved Super League status fair and square but look likely to lose it by underhand means. At least we can say goodbye with some integrity and moral high ground.
With Murdoch's empire crumbling around him maybe now is a good time to get out of Super League. In addition, with Fat Nige and crew in charge of Super League maybe it's only a matter of time before the current model goes belly up.
Here's to watching Trinity in 2012, wherever it might be. :CHEERS:

Author:  fat faced fan [ Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

Mikey T wrote:But the Championship is a great competition and deserves far more credence than it currently gets. Did you see today's NR Final? Classic rugby League. Was it more entertaining than the weekend's televised SL games or not?

this is true, but the essence of sport must surely be the desire to play and compete at the highest level. the way the championship is structured financially means that clubs cannot realistically compete with full time squads or hang onto juniors that look like making the grade (or even becoming sl squad players).

i’ve always been staunchly anti franchising, anti murdoch, and pro organic expansion. the current model delivers nails for championship sides’ coffins as they wither towards a slow and painful illness and potential death.

i'll watch wakefield as much next year as i have this. this won't be the majority stance, much as we may kid ourselves, those posting on here are the exception and not the rule.

i think cas will be safe. good luck to them i say. they've fought their public relations battle very well.

Author:  Normy98 [ Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

Ill be defo standing by the club, No matter which league

Every other week in the 80's i was going to barrow/whithaven/workington etc...

Author:  muttley cat [ Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.


Author:  Big lads mate [ Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

My lad hopefully will have a scholarship this year with wakey,an extra incentive to watch them.wakey till I die........means excactly what it says on the tin.

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