
Will you stand by this club.
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Author:  Uptoncat [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

trinity for life wrote:its not about deafetism wildshot sad to say its realism

Why is everyone so pessimistic. All people are doing is listening to other fans and the media. As I've said before what will be will be but there is no way we are definitely down yet. Let's wait for the decision, as they say it's a funny old game and we may yet be doing somersaults in just over two weeks time

Author:  LyndsayGill [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

I bought a T shirt in the club shop a couple of weeks ago, it says on it "Wakefield Till I Die".
That's the way it's gonna be.

Author:  Lupset_Airport [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

I'll still follow the boys and go to local derby games and CC games. If Kear is still in charge I might just buy the club shirt and occasional memorabilia. Either way I'll always contribute.

Author:  smoking monkey [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

Trinity Till Death wrote:I'm thinking more long term, we need to retain a large percentage of the support base ready for our move to NM and our reinclusion in SL in 3 years

Steady on.
IF Cas are still at WR and IF you are at NM. and IF you win a GF or contest a NRF you may be back next time (assuming you are excluded this time)

Author:  PopTart [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

Don't se any reason to run.
I support Wakefield Trinity....that's it.

Author:  H2O [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

Am with you Al. Wakey are my team and I'll support them through thick and thin. I'll still be buying my season ticket even if it is for championship rugby.

Author:  Trinity Till Death [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

smoking monkey wrote:IF Cas are still at WR

What's Cas got to do with this thread?????

Author:  Sandal Cat [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

I know I'm in the very small minority but I believe we will be in SL next year so its a question I'm not even going to consider.

I may look stupid a week on Tuesday but I will not even contemplate anything until then.

Author:  wakeytrin [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

I have supported Wakefield Trinity since the age of 9 and will continue to do so whatever league we are in. If we are in the lower league I will have no interest in SL at all. The reason being there are at least 3 teams with less to offer than ourselves, one being bank rolled by the RFL and who are not paying players! Richard Lewis and Nigel Wood have made our game a laughing stock by persisting with expansionism, even though it is not working at Crusaders or Quins. We are a sport that manipulates decisions to get the answer that it wants. I have never felt as dispondent as I do now, not because we might be in a lower league, but because of how the decision will be made.

I have supported WT in lower leagues before and will do again. if we go down that will be twice we have been demoted without finishing bottom. How can that be fair.


Author:  kinleycat [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will you stand by this club.

We would be causing more harm to our club than to the RFL by walking away.
THe RFL can't lose which makes it all the more gauling.
As much as I want to see my club at the top level, I want to be able to take my little lad in the future more.
As much as I believe if we go out we will never come back, the swings and roundabouts of the game decrees, the RFL will soon need a new whipping boy and if our house is in order we might just get another sniff.
As much as I detest the way SL is run, I want to see the RL playing youth of Wakefield play for their club at the top level.
As much as I'm sometimes bored and frustrated by the way we play, I'll miss seeing my mates too much.
My head tells me to walk away but my heart has always lead my head, so for all the reasons I have listed above I'll stay and fight for our club, come what may.

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