
Spectrum Kilimanjaro Challenge 2015
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Author:  RLFANS News Hound [ Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Spectrum Kilimanjaro Challenge 2015

Spectrum Kilimanjaro Challenge 2015
The “WORLD RECORD” challenge to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and play the world’s highest game of rugby league, lies ahead for a unique team of volunteers in October 2015.All to raise funds & awareness, for the Steve Prescott Foundation (SPF).

PLEASE DONATE HERE https://www.justgiving.com/SpecturmKilimanjaro

But this is no ordinary team of volunteers. They include some true legends of rugby league and leaders on the field ; Adrian Morley of Salford Red Devils, retired legends Lee Briers, Barrie McDermott, Garreth Carvell, Chico Jackson, Mike Wainwright, Neil Harmon and Alan Hunte. Who will all be kept in line, by the watchful eye & keen whistle of non other than Referee Supremo, Robert Hicks.

In the climbing party are Sky Sports Angela Powers, and BBC TV’s Beccy Meehan, who will not only be climbing the mountain and taking part in the world record rugby game, but also filming the whole challenge to be broadcast across their respective TV networks.

for more on this story click here.READ MORE ON THIS STORY...

Spectrum Kilimanjaro Challenge 2015
The “WORLD RECORD” challenge to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and play the world’s highest game of rugby league, lies ahead for a unique team of volunteers in October 2015.All to raise funds & awareness, for the Steve Prescott Foundation (SPF).

PLEASE DONATE HERE https://www.justgiving.com/SpecturmKilimanjaro

But this is no ordinary team of volunteers. They include some true legends of rugby league and leaders on the field ; Adrian Morley of Salford Red Devils, retired legends Lee Briers, Barrie McDermott, Garreth Carvell, Chico Jackson, Mike Wainwright, Neil Harmon and Alan Hunte. Who will all be kept in line, by the watchful eye & keen whistle of non other than Referee Supremo, Robert Hicks.

In the climbing party are Sky Sports Angela Powers, and BBC TV’s Beccy Meehan, who will not only be climbing the mountain and taking part in the world record rugby game, but also filming the whole challenge to be broadcast across their respective TV networks.

for more on this story click here.READ MORE ON THIS STORY...

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