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Author:  Alec Fisher [ Fri May 30, 2014 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  COUGAR RANGER,,

Those Marchy masks are a brilliant piece of marketing, and like someone quoted "up the r l headquarters" What about another idea :IDEA: , is to get the team " while they are warming up at the widnes game. to go to our supporters and sing the Cougar Ranger song... (At a reasonable distance) so not to offend anybody :GROUPHUG: That could be the teams AKKA ,at every game ... Publicity by the bucketful. WOT team has done that before..another first . a Cougar first.....Cougarmania..is BACK.....I WANT TO BE A :DANCE: COUGAR RANGER. :CLAP: :ROCKS:

Author:  Cross Hills Cougar [ Fri May 30, 2014 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: COUGAR RANGER,,

Good idea. Just before kick off would be great! But players might prefer to keep concentration so do it on pitch at end of match? But 2nd thoughts, no different to NZ doing the Haka.

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