
the plot thickens
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Author:  cougartime [ Thu May 15, 2014 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  the plot thickens

I have only just seen the message from Simon Harrison on Cougars website. It is all a bit of a shambles and this isnt the club's finest hour either but it either took guts or stupidity from RFL to go ahead with the ban and in effect accuse the witnesses of lying. League has always been a disciplined sport compared with other namby pamby stuff but there is a fine line between that and arrogance on the part of the RFL. It is all well and good for the RFL to provide leadership and a firm hand but only when it suits? SL coaches do criticise the officials - sometimes perhaps in a subtle way! - but the RFL wouldn't dare do a Marchy on them. People get passionate about the sport and a bit of common sense wouldn't go amiss - rather than adopt a North Korean approach perhaps the RFL ought to hone their diplomacy skills. Lets face it, they are shi*e.

Just saying...

Author:  CountyDurhamCougar [ Thu May 15, 2014 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: the plot thickens

cougartime wrote:...but the RFL wouldn't dare do a Marchy on them.

This is definitely true. The punishment handed down to Marchy would NEVER be inflicted on a coach in Super League. In light of Simon's statement, and the fact that he actually attended the hearing to give his account, I can't help but wonder what the burden of proof is in situations like this. It certainly can't be 'beyond reasonable doubt'.
Does anyone actually know exactly what our club has done to upset the RFL?

Author:  StephanieM [ Thu May 15, 2014 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: the plot thickens

Showing our dislike for the Dulls probably :lol:

Author:  Leaguefan [ Thu May 15, 2014 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: the plot thickens

Unless I have misunderstood what has happened, Mr March got banned, as a player for abusing match officials,. I would think that the ban would include a comment about future conduct.
It appears that Mr March has done the same thing whilst under caution.
That is how I understand it.

This leads to at least 2 scenarios. Either Mr March doesn't listen or learn, alternatively the scenario is unique in happening and the punishment something no one has had to use before.

Author:  666 [ Thu May 15, 2014 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: the plot thickens

Or is it just a case of him being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Did the ref actually see him say anything or just hear the remarks?
Does anyone know when the decision of the appeal panel be known?

Author:  Good Call Mate [ Thu May 15, 2014 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: the plot thickens

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