
Don Valley memories
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Author:  Rach [ Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Don Valley memories

Our last ever trip to Don Valley tonight ..although it has zilch atmosphere and the stand is a million miles from the pitch,it'll still be sad to see it go...

Some great memories ,though more that involved alcoholic consumption sat on the grass outside the very fine 'Cocked Hat' Pub than actually in the stadium and the rugby itself it has to be said ... :DRUNK: :DRUNK:

Anyone remember Peter Roe , already then in his 40's ,turning out in a rearranged Saturday afternoon game around 1991 when we got royally tonked by the Eagles by about 70 points in front of a couple of hundred folk ?

Author:  Good Call Mate [ Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don Valley memories

I do indeed, & thanks to the RL for an utter debacle. Cougars played 3 games in circa 7 days, a certain Ricky Winterbottom also made a cameo appearance. Charlie McCallister scored an hat-rick for the Eagles, he later went on to play for us. I think we drew with Bramley on the sunday, beat them at McLaren Field on the Wednesday & lost to Eagles on the Saturday. I also sat on Tom Sharpes vuvuzela/horn so it wasn't a completely rubbish day.

Author:  biffacat [ Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don Valley memories

Yep I was there , too.

Author:  Rach [ Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Don Valley memories

Good Call Mate wrote:. I also sat on Tom Sharpes vuvuzela/horn so it wasn't a completely rubbish day.

:-) :-) :-):-)

Also best try by the Cougars at Don Valley has to be Danny Murgatroyds solo effort in another Friday night at the Eagles.C
Cracking effort for a prop from about 60 yards out , one of the most like able lads to play for Keighley was Murgy , another half a foot taller and he would have been in super league.

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