
Hunslet Hawks Hospitality
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Author:  Hawkeye73 [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Hunslet Hawks Hospitality

Hunslet Hawks have pre match hospitality available for Easter Monday's fixture, for just £30 Adults you can have a 2 course carvery and complimentary tea/coffee at half time as well as your own dedicated seating area and access to the exclusive directors lounge, for details email darren.williams@hawksrl.com or call the club office on 0113 271 2730.
Hunslet Hawks have pre match hospitality available for Easter Monday's fixture, for just £30 Adults you can have a 2 course carvery and complimentary tea/coffee at half time as well as your own dedicated seating area and access to the exclusive directors lounge, for details email darren.williams@hawksrl.com or call the club office on 0113 271 2730.

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