
Cougars appeal to MP for assistance in bringing Brendon back
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Author:  guess who [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Cougars appeal to MP for assistance in bringing Brendon back

Keighley Cougars have appealed to Ann Cryer, the Member of Parliament for Keighley, for help in gaining a work permit for their Australian Brendon Rawlins.

Prop forward Rawlins is currently in Sydney, Australia awaiting the delivery of a work permit to allow him to return to Keighley Cougars.

Rawlins has played for the Cougars during 2007 and 2008. He was originally refused preferred player status by the RFL but won an appeal against that decision.

The UK Border Agency insisted that Rawlins returned to Australia to complete the visa process and went back Down Under in February.

Even though he has successfully completed the immigration process and it has been indicated that he will be given a visa to return to the UK, there is still no sign of the work permit.

Helen Carter, the Cougars’ General Manager, said: “It’s frustrating for both the club and the player. We’ve appealed to Ann Cryer MP to see if she can unlock the log jam in Sydney and we very much hope that she will be able to bring some influence to bear on the situation.

“We have lost quite a number of our key forwards through injury this season and we really need Brendon back in action on the pitch.

“We had hoped to have Brendon back to play against Blackpool Panthers on Sunday but our hopes of that happening are fading fast by the hour”

Author:  girl power [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

This contradicts what i was told yesterday, however i cannot understand why the club has left it so long before iovolvhng the mp. Surely this could have been done earlier instead of the mayor writing a letter. Must say i am disappoited how slow the club on this occasion has been. I feel sorry for brendon.

Author:  andysilsden [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:30 pm ]
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Doing this was brought up weeks ago.

Author:  girl power [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Assumimg what andysilsden says is correct then it is unfair on brendon in that the club albeit with hindsight could have involved the mp at an earlier stage who in my view would possibly have more impact than the mayor that is no disrepect to the mayor just a fact.

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