
Keighley schoolchildren count on the Cougars.
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Author:  guess who [ Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Keighley schoolchildren count on the Cougars.

Children from more than ten Keighley Junior Schools have had a significant boost to their mathematical skills thanks to Cougar Pride, Keighley Cougars’ Playing for Success classroom.

The children have been undergoing sessions at Cougar Park and have successful taken part in the ‘Maths Easter Booster’ sessions.

Liz Kidman, the head of Cougar Pride, said: “We’ve had in excess of 60 children go through the sessions which are designed to give an extra lift to their mathematical ability.

“We give them a tour of Cougar Park and use the stadium, plus various elements of Rugby League, as part of the numeric learning experience.

“These sessions are provided as an extra to their normal mathematical work load at school but because of the sporting environment it adds extra interest for the children.”

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