Pickled onion wrote:[/b] my opinion ! you are mistaken in thinking i feel the announcer should be immune from comments of improvement
i just felt he was getting stick when he as i understand gives his time for free - i could be wrong.
A pop at Gav after the way he played on Sunday a honest opinion again i could have names a few players i normally think Gav plays well he just had a off match.
I assume you use this
because to want to be condescending.
As for the rest of your post, it helps if you attempt to use English and punctuation correctly.
You seem to jump in with both feet without thinking things through; you did the same in the thread about PIRAG (I'm still waiting for you to answer the questions I asked).
Here is what you said about the MC:
Quote:I think Dubane does a perfect job at MC - You can ear him clear as day in the stand if not a bit to loud sometimes.
I am simply pointing out that he is not perfect, ie not without fault. I will say it once again so it penetrates your head; I am not having a go at him.
You said that people can hear him (or to quote your post “ear” him) as clear as day in the stand. You failed to realise that the stand only accounts for 20% of the crowd. I suppose the rest of us don’t count?
You complain about the MC being picked on then single out one player for criticism from the Siddal match when you could have picked out several. I realise that it is your opinion but a tad hypocritical don’t you think?
Oh, I don't usually use this emoticon, but I'll stoop to your level just this once.