I was very pleased with our performance today. We looked much better than a 3rd tier team and I felt a bit hard done by with the amount of tries from Castleford in the second half.
It's a shame our support was split up so much in the roofed terrace in the first half or it might not have been a small amount of us chanting compared to the 20+ Castleford fans.
''Who are ya'' and ''You wot'' are the most boring chants ever, to the extent of cringeworthy, every chant we started was met with these pathetic, boring shouts.
We are a small town 10 miles
outside of Bradford, despite your claims and we are not interested in incest, not enough to sing songs about it like these Castleford fans next to us.
Chanting is great. I'd suggest you concentrate on chanting in support of your team instead of stupid shouts like this.
We do not need your sympathy and sarcastic chanting of our team's name.
Our players are part-time, yours are professionals.
It might have looked like Castleford took over the whole ground today. I think this is more to do with the fact that the vast majority of them wear replica shirts, while not many of us do wear replica shirts. I'd guess there were about 1,000 shouting for Keighley today and not in a sarcastic tone.
Aaaaand breathe....