
Another Wrestling Thread
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Author:  Roofs [ Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:32 am ]
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Think it was a disgrace that the real main event and match of the year (Taker v Michaels) was below HHH v Orton in the line-up. No surprise though with HHH - remember Hogan v Rock being 2nd or third main event, whilst HHH and Jericho went on last and fought before a quiet crowd (as HHH and Orton did).

Author:  'Hitman' Norvern Soul [ Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:08 pm ]
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Roofs wrote:Think it was a disgrace that the real main event and match of the year (Taker v Michaels) was below HHH v Orton in the line-up. No surprise though with HHH - remember Hogan v Rock being 2nd or third main event, whilst HHH and Jericho went on last and fought before a quiet crowd (as HHH and Orton did).

The Headline match rarely lives upto expectation and is outshone by other matches on the card. I mean, come onnnn, Hogan main evented enough 'Manias, didn't he?
For specific examples of when the main event was and wasn't outshone, we'll use WM 13 and 14: 13, Bret-Austin outshone 'Taker-Sid and at 14, Austin-Michaels lived upto the hype.

Author:  Roofaldo [ Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:32 pm ]
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'Hitman' Norvern Soul wrote:The Headline match rarely lives upto expectation and is outshone by other matches on the card. I mean, come onnnn, Hogan main evented enough 'Manias, didn't he?
For specific examples of when the main event was and wasn't outshone, we'll use WM 13 and 14: 13, Bret-Austin outshone 'Taker-Sid and at 14, Austin-Michaels lived upto the hype.

When one of your main eventers is Sid it doesn't take much to outshine him.

Author:  Jeff the God of Biscuits [ Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

'Hitman' Norvern Soul wrote:The Headline match rarely lives upto expectation and is outshone by other matches on the card. I mean, come onnnn, Hogan main evented enough 'Manias, didn't he?
For specific examples of when the main event was and wasn't outshone, we'll use WM 13 and 14: 13, Bret-Austin outshone 'Taker-Sid and at 14, Austin-Michaels lived upto the hype.

i'll go all the way back to Wrestlemania 1 and see how often this is true!

WM: The only match of any significance was the main event...

WMII: Id say the Bulldogs Tag match was by far the best quality match on this event

WMIII: Steamboat vs Savage.

WMIV: Was a tournament...so no real 'Headliner'

WMV: The Main Event was the only match of any significance...the rest were only given like 4 or 5 minutes.

WMVI: Warrior vs Hogan was probably the best match in either man's career.

WMVII: The Warrior vs Savage match was a much better outing than Slaughter vs Hogan.

WMVIII: Piper vs Bret Hart was Awesome in Bret's first singles mania match.

WMIX: Tatanka vs HBK was another awesome undercard match that beat out both world title matches.

WMX: HBK vs Razor or Owen Vs Bret was infinatley better than either world title matches.

WMXI: LT vs Bam Bam was the main event. While not a complete debacle...Every other match on the card was a better match.

WMXII: HBK vs Bret was headlining and was one of the best of all time.

WMXIII: Bret vs Austin has already been mentioned.

WMXIV: HBK vs Austin was awesome. But could have been so much more had Shawn been healthy! Still best match of the night.

WMXV: Rock vs Austin Was their first mania match and was awesome. Though Butterbean vs Bart Gunn needs honourable mention :D

WMXVI: Angle vs B****t vs Jericho stole the show here!

WMXVII: Either Angle vs B****t or TLC for me here.

WMXVIII: Rock and Hogan stole the show...If for sheer reaction more for match quality.

WMXIX: HBK vs Jericho is one of my all-time favs.

WMXX: Eddie vs Kurt was ONE main event...but not the headliner. The triple threat were B****t won is a close second though.

WMXXI: HBK vs Kurt. An all time great here. Much better than big dave vs Trips.

WMXXII: MITB Wins it here for me. If not just for the HOLY S**T factor.

WMXXIII: MITB Again...though this event was probably John Cena's best match to date.

WMXXIV: Flair HBK. Nuff said.


For me only 5 out 25 'Mania's had the main event as the 'Show Stealing' match. This is just one man's opinion and was more for my own gratification of looking back over every WM and recalling over the memories.

Also its worth mention Shawn Michaels is MR WRESTLEMANIA with..8 out of 25 mania show stealing matches. And probably another next year for his last match.

Author:  Roofaldo [ Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:45 pm ]
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Draft Show tomorrow night. Anyone else think that this is now pointless as it's barely mentioned there's a brand extention anymore and wrestlers pop up on any show they feel like with no explaination?

Ah well. A few picks of own. Some might happen some might not

HHH back to Raw: He's been back for the last 3 months or so, why not just make it a perminant switch? Though having him face and teamed with the McMahons as faces too doesn't make much sense and he's getting more than a little stale. Maybe an injury angle with Legacy, get him off TV for a couple of months, let them dominate for a while without HHH popping out and beating the snot out all 3 at the same time and killing any heat they might look like generating?
Jerico to SD: His legend feud is done and there's very little left for him to do on the show. SD would give him a chance at moving to top heel status. speaking of which
Edge to Raw: which would position him nicely as 2nd heel behind Orton given JBL's retirement and my plan of Jerico going the other way :lol:
title holder swap Mysterio takes the IC belt to SD and MVP takes the US strap to Raw. Rey doesn't need to be an underdog all the time and tbh he's getting a bit lost in the shuffle on Raw when they keep feeding him to monster heels. On SD he'd have guys of a similar stature to have good matches with (the hardys, jerico, evan bourne) and MVP need the chance to go to the A show and do his thing

Well that's what I think anyway. Might help actually do what the draft is ment to do and shake things up and create new feuds

Author:  RB [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:17 am ]
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Some decent drafts.

Author:  lister [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:20 am ]
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Highlight for draft picks.

Rey to SD
Jericho to SD
CM Punk to SD
Melina to SD

HHH to Raw
Matt Hardy to Raw
MVP to Raw
Big Show to Raw
The Miz to Raw
Maryse to Raw

Kozlov to ECW

More draft picks will happen on Wednesday.

Author:  'Hitman' Norvern Soul [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:51 am ]
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Nothing unpredictable there really. Fell asleep during the Cena - Swagger match.

Author:  Steve51 [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:14 pm ]
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Well until Rey got swapped ALL the single belts went to RAW.

They've got to reverse at least one of the main straps on Weds. It'd make sense for Cena & HBK to go to Smackdown. I'd also expect Christian to be moved up.

Author:  Fantastic Mr Catpiss [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Steve51 wrote:Well until Rey got swapped ALL the single belts went to RAW.

They've got to reverse at least one of the main straps on Weds. It'd make sense for Cena & HBK to go to Smackdown. I'd also expect Christian to be moved up.

not gonna happen that, michaels won't do smackdown as the taping schedule interferes with his church commitments although overall with them blurring the brand extension now SD really is gonna be seen as the second tier so again cena ain't gonna be dropped down there, perhaps another unification of the main belts like they've fone with the tag belts.

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