
Football Chat Thread - Euro 2012 edition
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Author:  Roddy B [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Football Chat Thread - Euro 2012 edition

Saddened! wrote:Not always true. Everton have been on the receiving end of some absolutely horrendous/borderline corrupt refereeing in the derby, especially at Goodison. I've just watched the 07/08 derby at Goodison on ESPN Classic. Liverpool were absolutely shocking but won with two penalties. Everton had two absolute stonewall penalties turned down including one in the final passage of play where Carragher dragged Lescott to the floor. Then you've got the Rodwell red card, which is still the most scandalous piece of refereeing I've ever seen.

I'm just waiting to see who will take Dirk Kuyt's role of winning derbies despite being utterly rubbish. I had Borini penned in for it, but he's not even playing.

The worst refereeing I've seen still remains the Kyrgiakos red card. Fellaini treats Soto's leg like a skateboard, but the ref completely ignores it and sends Soto off.

You can harp on about referees all you want, but when you play the way you have done throughout so many derbies, you get what you deserve. I still remember the DVDs being produced of your lot getting a 0-0 at Anfield, with Alan Stubbs getting the Sky MOTM. Moyes brought you to Anfield and sat you in the box for 90 minutes, you deserve red cards and no penalty calls playing like that.

I personally don't think there will be a winner, has draw written all over it for me, only a very early goal could change that IMO.

Author:  Cibaman [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Football Chat Thread - Euro 2012 edition

flipper wrote:'But the Ulsterman, who has been mocked as football's answer to fictitious television windbag David Brent from The Office for his appearances in a fly-on-the- wall documentary Being: Liverpool'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... black.html

I enjoy watching Being Liverpool but feel sorry for Rodgers. He's never going to look good on that sort of programme. Clearly his strengths are technical & tactical rather than motivational. But that sort of programme will always focus on the team talks rather than anything he does on the training ground. It gives a very unbalanced picture of his ability. He must absolutely hate whoever decided to agree to the programme.
flipper wrote:'But the Ulsterman, who has been mocked as football's answer to fictitious television windbag David Brent from The Office for his appearances in a fly-on-the- wall documentary Being: Liverpool'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... black.html

I enjoy watching Being Liverpool but feel sorry for Rodgers. He's never going to look good on that sort of programme. Clearly his strengths are technical & tactical rather than motivational. But that sort of programme will always focus on the team talks rather than anything he does on the training ground. It gives a very unbalanced picture of his ability. He must absolutely hate whoever decided to agree to the programme.

Author:  CommanderShepard [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Don't know what I consider more sadder Flipper, your constant obsessive posts about anything Liverpool related, or the fact that in this instance you have used the Daily Wail to try and points score.

Author:  Lord God Jose Mourinho [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Football Chat Thread - Euro 2012 edition

Cibaman wrote:I enjoy watching Being Liverpool but feel sorry for Rodgers. He's never going to look good on that sort of programme. Clearly his strengths are technical & tactical rather than motivational. But that sort of programme will always focus on the team talks rather than anything he does on the training ground. It gives a very unbalanced picture of his ability. He must absolutely hate whoever decided to agree to the programme.

I can't bring myself to watch it, but I don't have any sympathy for Rodgers for making himself look foolish.

It's one thing Alex Ferguson trying to pull off the envelope trick after his side have won the league. It would have possibly focussed the minds of some players who were getting ahead of themselves. But to do it to this Liverpool side, and to do it when the TV cameras are rolling and you'll be exposed really quickly? That's just really, really stupid.

And as for his strengths being technical and tactical, the table doesn't suggest that. The table suggests Liverpool have made a mistake and promoted a novice too quickly beyond his ability.

Author:  Roddy B [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Football Chat Thread - Euro 2012 edition

Lord God Jose Mourinho wrote:And as for his strengths being technical and tactical, the table doesn't suggest that. The table suggests Liverpool have made a mistake and promoted a novice too quickly beyond his ability.

Nah, the table doesn't really tell the true story.

1) Our squad isn't that strong, regardless of how good Rodgers is, we have one recognised forward who isn't the best scorer and we have a few players that aren't good enough and are essentially mistakes from previous regimes. (Downing, Carroll out on loan, Joe Cole)

2) As I keep telling people, we've played pretty well all season so far, but our results match the depth of our squad rather than our manager's ability IMO. The young lads he's brought in will be exceptional players, but they are still very young and it shows how desperate we are to be relying on three teenagers every week.

For me, Rodgers has done pretty well since coming here. A few results have 'got away' from us when they shouldn't have, but the performances have been there, it's only a matter of time before they don't get away from us and we start to win regularly. He'll be given that time, I just hope he can spend well in January as we're desperate for a forward or two. Ideally we'd get Lucas back, then we'd be able to move Gerrard out wide more and play Allen, Sahin and Lucas in midfield.

Author:  Lord God Jose Mourinho [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Football Chat Thread - Euro 2012 edition

Quote:Poll recalled the Arsenal game against Chelsea in 2004 when Thierry Henry asked for permission to take a free-kick quickly, then promptly curled it into the goal while Petr Cech was still lining up his defensive wall. Poll remembered the fury of John Terry and José Mourinho and seemed quite happy with the outrage it had caused. "Lovely" was the word he used.

If Henry wanted permission to take a quick free kick Poll was right to give it. But Poll didn't do just that. He also instructed Eidur Gudjonsen out of the way to enable Henry to do it.

Author:  Lord God Jose Mourinho [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Football Chat Thread - Euro 2012 edition

Roddy B wrote:Nah, the table doesn't really tell the true story.

Swansea are doing better right now than they did last year when Rodgers was in charge.

Liverpool are doing worse than they were last season.

You constantly made the "we're better than the results suggest" excuse for Dalglish as well.

After 8 games this season, you've got 9 points. You had 14 points after 8 games last season.

Author:  Roddy B [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Football Chat Thread - Euro 2012 edition

Lord God Jose Mourinho wrote:Swansea are doing better right now than they did last year when Rodgers was in charge.

Liverpool are doing worse than they were last season.

You constantly made the "we're better than the results suggest" excuse for Dalglish as well.

After 8 games this season, you've got 9 points. You had 14 points after 8 games last season.

Using Swansea is a pretty lame attempt at making a point, LGJM. They're in their second season in the league now, they've signed different players and they aren't the side adjusting from the Championship to the Premier League any more.

Last season we arguably had greater squad depth than we do now. Our 'squad' is weaker now, but we'll be better for it in the medium to long term future. IMO, Rodgers is the right man to manage Liverpool in the current situation we're in. We're not a CL side any more, we're a side still reeling from the mistakes of the past, we have some good players and some good young players but we don't have enough of them. IMO, the type of football and the type of player Rodgers likes is ideal for where we're at at the moment, we're not going to get into Europe, so bringing in a defensive, almost one-dimensional 'results-first' manager isn't what we need right now as even with a few more wins or draws, we aren't going to finish in the top 4. IMO, Rodgers' 'brand' of football is the right one for where we're at right now, even if we don't get the expected results.

Author:  Roddy B [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Football Chat Thread - Euro 2012 edition

Robbed again. Pity it came down to a referee's call as it was an OK game without much incident.

Author:  WireFanatic III [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Football Chat Thread - Euro 2012 edition

Roddy B wrote:Robbed again. Pity it came down to a referee's call as it was an OK game without much incident.

Lino bottled it. But then again, the officials always do in derby games.

Everton should have won that game. Now all they have to show for it is to jack off in delight that a perfectly legitimate goal was cancelled out that would have seen them come away with nothing.

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