mystic eddie wrote:I didn't though. The point I was making is that the England bid claimed that the Premier League was home to the best players in the world. It isn't in the slightest. It was a nonsense of a thing to say.
My apologies, I was skim reading.
mystic eddie wrote:That will be Celtic then. Don't tar us all with the same brush.
For the record, I am genuinely delighted that England never got it for a number of reasons, one of which is that they are already p!ssing away enough taxpayers money (in the middle of a cash crisis) on the bloody Olympics. Wasting more money in order to satisfy the deeply in debt FA should have been a non-starter.
There is, of course, the extra added bonus that the most smug and arrogant nation in the world have one again ended up with egg on their face and worldwide humiliation. It is sweet, and it will not just be the "jocks" who will be chuffed to bits.
I'm glad that England in failing to land the world cup for 2018 has delighted you, I really am. I would say the two most recent times I have been genuinely delighted was at the birth of my daughter and the contracts being signed for the City of Salford Stadium construction helping to secure the future of my club. If you take delight in seeing another nations bid to host a sporting event fail then that's just swell.
The bid has been a waste of money of that there is no doubt. In hindsight, we shouldn't have bothered as there was a hidden agenda on the part of the Executive Committee. I wouldn't say England have egg on their face. They, and the US & Australia to a certain extent, have shown FIFA up for what they are. A bunch of bent dinosaurs who are in it for their self interests.
You are clearly anti English and that is fine. We overpower you in the world of politics, finance, sport and social culture. I can see way you don't like us much. I hope for all these bitter Scottish folk they gain independence soon to see how they get on without the English putting an arm round them.