
A goal and then a try!
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Author:  glee [ Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  A goal and then a try!

For anybody whose goal is to buy a nice Xmas present for under £10, then my latest novel is worth a try!
"Three Good Years" has a background of Work, Family Life, Saving the NHS and Rugby League.
It is the sixth in a series about northern working class life and all are inspired by the old saying about work that "They could write a book about this place. It would be a best seller".
It is set in the fictional town of Ashurst which is 'near' Leigh, St Helens, Warrington and Wigan and with the main character throughout the series an electrical draughtsman .

Visit my web site at geofflee.net for more details
Visit the web site of my publisher London League Publications at http://www.llpshop.co.uk Click on Books and then Fiction.
For anybody whose goal is to buy a nice Xmas present for under £10, then my latest novel is worth a try!
"Three Good Years" has a background of Work, Family Life, Saving the NHS and Rugby League.
It is the sixth in a series about northern working class life and all are inspired by the old saying about work that "They could write a book about this place. It would be a best seller".
It is set in the fictional town of Ashurst which is 'near' Leigh, St Helens, Warrington and Wigan and with the main character throughout the series an electrical draughtsman .

Visit my web site at geofflee.net for more details
Visit the web site of my publisher London League Publications at http://www.llpshop.co.uk Click on Books and then Fiction.

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