
RLWC tickets
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Author:  moto748 [ Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  RLWC tickets

Was going to get a ticket for Tonga/PNG at Saints tomorrow night. But no 'old git' reduction on tickets, students only, is that right? £55 quid seems a hell of a lot of money (Cat B). Am I missing something?

Author:  [Gareth] [ Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RLWC tickets

They do seem to be ridiculously overpriced

Author:  NickyKiss [ Mon Oct 17, 2022 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RLWC tickets

Some bloke on Twitter before reckoned it was just usual RL fans moaning when I said I felt prices were wrong. I went to Newcastle for 2 games, I’m going tomorrow and Wednesday and a few other games but it’s costing a fortune. I’m a die hard fan but many just won’t bother. I don’t know how most families could do more than just the England games, if they can afford them in the first place. I go with friends, rather than family, so only have costs for my tickets to worry about.

If we look at back at the 2013 World Cup, tickets were too cheap and they built a culture of fans waiting for discounts. They were absolutely right this time to say no discounts but you can only do that when you’ve priced the tickets sensibly in the first place. As a basic price structure you would think they could’ve had Cat A, B and C games. Tickets from £15-30 for C, £20-£40 for B and £25-£60 for A. In fairness you could probably have priced England games up differently to those brackets and charged up to £70-£80 and that would still be fair enough and as proven with the game Saturday and by this Saturday looking like a sell out, you’d still sell in big numbers.

Author:  NickyKiss [ Mon Oct 17, 2022 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RLWC tickets

Steve Mascord just tweeted that ticket income is already £1m past 2013 and slightly ahead of 2017’s final total with 51 games left. That’s all well and good but I think we’re losing an opportunity to both make good money and build the game by making it more affordable. It doesn’t have to be cheap, it just needs to be sensible.

Author:  moto748 [ Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RLWC tickets

Yeah I'm umming and ah-ing about going tomorrow. It's only ten miles up the road, but it's live on the telly...

If it was 20 quid I wouldn't hesitate.

Author:  Ashton Bears [ Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RLWC tickets

What are the categories at the DW quarter final and prices.

Author:  Jukesays [ Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RLWC tickets

Ashton Bears wrote:What are the categories at the DW quarter final and prices.

Made over a million more than 2013 already
Made.more than the Aussies in 2017

Only British RL fans would sit and complain from their armchairs about not enough people buying tickets so that they can sit in their armchairs and it look good on TV

tickets for some group games still available at £10
Doncaster games £20 & kids £2
Saints 25 and 15
Leigh 15 and 5

Hearing not many left for France game Saturday

Ticket sales going well for Qtr Final

Well done to John Dutton and the organisers

Author:  moto748 [ Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RLWC tickets

Ashton Bears wrote:What are the categories at the DW quarter final and prices.

85 quid for my ST seat. :(

Cat B - £70
Cat C - £55
CAt D - £35
Cat E - £25

Author:  Jukesays [ Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RLWC tickets

moto748 wrote:85 quid for my ST seat. :(

Cat B - £70
Cat C - £55
CAt D - £35
Cat E - £25

75 for mine I believe
I bought a 35 instead

Author:  sergeant pepper [ Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RLWC tickets

moto748 wrote:85 quid for my ST seat. :(

Cat B - £70
Cat C - £55
CAt D - £35
Cat E - £25

That can't be right? £85 to watch International RL, you're having a laugh.

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