
O/T Catalan Pics Request
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Author:  Scotty Keeeeeeench [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  O/T Catalan Pics Request

Hello there all.

Just a request from anyone who took pictures from the Riversiders game with the Catalan supporters, if they could possibaly put them up here for the website please. Ive got about 4 pictures of us pouring beer over each other after the game with the cup but thats about it.

Also anyone who was there on the day of the game, i appologise if you was one of the 927 people who got licked on ur face on the day of the game, i think i had just a few to many beers :lol:

Author:  m stiggy [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: O/T Catalan Pics Request

Scotty Keeeeeeench wrote:Hello there all.

Just a request from anyone who took pictures from the Riversiders game with the Catalan supporters, if they could possibaly put them up here for the website please. Ive got about 4 pictures of us pouring beer over each other after the game with the cup but thats about it.

Also anyone who was there on the day of the game, i appologise if you was one of the 927 people who got licked on ur face on the day of the game, i think i had just a few to many beers :lol:

Already put my few pics up on the cherryandwhite facebook page, and as for the face licking hope you didnt get to many nasty germs!! haha

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