
NRL Highlights
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Author:  NSW [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  NRL Highlights

Does anybody know any website that have NRL hightlights?


Author:  WigansForeignLegion [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NRL Highlights

fazwigan4eva wrote:Does anybody know any website that have NRL hightlights?


You can catch highlights or more of each game at http://www.nrl.com/Video/VideoLibrary/tabid/10637/default.aspx
fazwigan4eva wrote:Does anybody know any website that have NRL hightlights?


You can catch highlights or more of each game at http://www.nrl.com/Video/VideoLibrary/tabid/10637/default.aspx

Author:  Bilko [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NRL Highlights

WigansForeignLegion wrote:You can catch highlights or more of each game at http://www.nrl.com/Video/VideoLibrary/tabid/10637/default.aspx

It doesn't work because we are outside Australia and the only way to legally view games here is to sign up and pay a fee.

So we'll leave this thread at that.
WigansForeignLegion wrote:You can catch highlights or more of each game at http://www.nrl.com/Video/VideoLibrary/tabid/10637/default.aspx

It doesn't work because we are outside Australia and the only way to legally view games here is to sign up and pay a fee.

So we'll leave this thread at that.

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