
Players shocked by criticism
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Author:  ABP' [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Players shocked by criticism

http://www.wigantoday.net/warriors/Nobl ... 5023166.jp

If that's the case then those concerned need to get real.

If we're losing games against Castleford and Wakefield at home then how can the players not expect to receive high levels of criticism?

What type of reaction do they expect?
http://www.wigantoday.net/warriors/Nobl ... 5023166.jp

If that's the case then those concerned need to get real.

If we're losing games against Castleford and Wakefield at home then how can the players not expect to receive high levels of criticism?

What type of reaction do they expect?

Author:  Bolton_Warrior [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:26 am ]
Post subject: 

While some of the criticism may have been a little OTT one here and at the JJB for the most part it has been deserved as save for a few players most of them can do a lot better and they know they should.

They are supposed to be big tough blokes playing the toughest sport on earth and they get upset at people having a go at them, deal with it!!!!

Author:  Pie Eyed [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I would *hope* that the only team-members who are shocked by the criticism are Riddell and Roberts.

Neither of them will have heard anything like it in their careers so far.

Beyond that, they should be used to it by now - Huddersfield at home last year anybody ???

They need to just get on with their jobs.

One thing that does concern me in that article is this
Brian Noble wrote:I'm pretty confident our preparation has been good this week.

Now where have we heard that one before, again and again and....... ???

Author:  Andy Greg [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Players shocked by criticism

Alex BP' wrote:http://www.wigantoday.net/warriors/Noble-hits-back-at-critics.5023166.jp

If that's the case then those concerned need to get real.

If we're losing games against Castleford and Wakefield at home then how can the players not expect to receive high levels of criticism?

What type of reaction do they expect?

I.L. should rip a strip off them like last year that should bind them together.

Seriously though i would get them in one at a time and ask them all individually do you want to play for Wigan and if the answer was no i would work out a release from there contract and put people in who did want to play and if that meant playing all the youngsters and maybe finishing bottom i would do that at least we would have a team that wanted to play for the Club

Author:  Cruncher [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Players shocked by criticism

Andy Greg wrote:I.L. should rip a strip off them like last year that should bind them together.

Seriously though i would get them in one at a time and ask them all individually do you want to play for Wigan and if the answer was no i would work out a release from there contract and put people in who did want to play and if that meant playing all the youngsters and maybe finishing bottom i would do that at least we would have a team that wanted to play for the Club

I agree absolutely.

This is the second time I've heard such pathetic bleating from this team of also-rans, and it depresses me more than the actual results.

Do these men who are whingeing want to play for Wigan or not? Second question, do they know what it means to play for Wigan?

Thus far the answer appears to be 'no' on both counts.

When the Shaun Edwards / Ellery Hanley Wigan performed like this, the team would go into a shell until they go it right. No-one would criticise them on the streets because they wouldn't be out on the streets. They'd be too shame-faced. Denis Betts got it right when he said that fear of defeat kept Wigan winning; to lose was simply unacceptable. An overstatement maybe, but at least he had the right attitude.

I can only hope today's comments have been taken out of contect or are maybe a misquote, because, if they're not, they ilustrate better than we ever could just how far IL has got to go before he can fully rebuild this club.

Author:  NickyKiss [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

The players really annoyed me last year after the Huddersfield game with their comment like " we tried but it just wasn't our night" and "things like that can happen to you in superleague" when infact they got battered simply because they didn't try hard enough.

I didn't hear one player come out and admit it wasn't good enough. I did hear however how they thought the fans and Ian Lenagan had been harsh on them and they then went on to spit the dummy for a few weeks by not coming over to the fans at the end of the game and at the end of one game a group of players(including Feka, Carmont, Hansen, Leuluai and a few others) ran together straight from the pitch. To me that indicates they are a bunch of pammpered prima donna's who can't take criticisim. They don't have a winning mentality and lack leadership from within the squad.

The clubs crying out for a couple of old heads around the place to make the rest of the squad toe the line.

Author:  exiled Warrior [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:46 am ]
Post subject: 

So they play badly and get upset when the fans dare to criticise - talk about getting things the wrong way around. Well they have a simple solution - play better - it isn't rocket science - the answer if fairly and squarely in their hands.Win games and things will improve and the fans will perhaps say nice things about them and pamper their poor weak egos.

I really do despair - the attitude from the players/coaching staff show, for me,just how out of touch and sadly lacking in repect they are.

If they really want to loose the fans totally they really are going about it the right way.

I for one am getting closer to the point of ceasing to care about the current team/caoching staff - much more of this and they can go and ....well do something.

Author:  1879 [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:50 am ]
Post subject: 

if you don't like the heat.............

Author:  Cruncher [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

1879 wrote:if you don't like the heat.............

Never were truer words spoken.

The very LAST thing these men should be doing, given their propensity to lie down and die when faced by any opposition sterner than skimmed milk, is go complaining to the press.

In the days of real men, the answer would have been given on the field.

Author:  Rogues Gallery [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Players shocked by criticism

Andy Greg wrote:I.L. should rip a strip off them like last year that should bind them together.

Seriously though i would get them in one at a time and ask them all individually do you want to play for Wigan and if the answer was no i would work out a release from there contract and put people in who did want to play and if that meant playing all the youngsters and maybe finishing bottom i would do that at least we would have a team that wanted to play for the Club

I believe this was done after the Huddersfield debacle last year.

One player (who's still here) got up and walked out.

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