
Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!
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Author:  The Chin's Back [ Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!

Now for my serious thoughts

I am glad that Sam is back in SL as he is a very talented player,Things didn't probably go as well as was expected of him whilst he was there but I'm sure that he can't wait to prove a few doubters wrong in this up coming test series against the Kiwis and in SL next season,Welcome home Sam

Author:  Cherry_Warrior [ Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!

The whole thing is a load of rubbish anyway. How many full back and halves have had the bottle to go over there and make a name for themselves?

In fact, how many full backs and halves are even WANTED or coveted by any Aussie club.... None. Not even the soon to be knighted Sir Zak Hardaker. It's relatively easy for a big hitting prop to go over and rough it up and get a reputation. What else do the Burgess brothers, Graham, Cooper et al do?

Fair play to him going over there and having a go and i am sure he will come back a more complete and wiser player.

Author:  Wigg'n [ Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!

Backwoodsman wrote:tomkins is a better stand off than a full back.

Based on what? Those few games he played in that position 6 years ago?

Author:  Les Norton [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!

Cherry_Warrior wrote:The whole thing is a load of rubbish anyway. How many full back and halves have had the bottle to go over there and make a name for themselves?

In fact, how many full backs and halves are even WANTED or coveted by any Aussie club.... None. Not even the soon to be knighted Sir Zak Hardaker. It's relatively easy for a big hitting prop to go over and rough it up and get a reputation. What else do the Burgess brothers, Graham, Cooper et al do?

Fair play to him going over there and having a go and i am sure he will come back a more complete and wiser player.

How do you know who is wanted or coveted? Unlike Sam, not all players are constantly demanding attention from the media etc and making it all about them, not the club they play for.

Author:  fuzzylogic222 [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!

Who cares? I can't stand him and his attitude but I love the fact he's back in our game. The article is biased and silly really, there are a lot of good players on that list whose moves haven't worked out for a plethora of reasons but still gone on to great things.
It's fantastic that he's back and good for our game, he'll do well for you and that's all that counts. Ignore it and look forward to his (annoyingly good) brilliance.

Author:  Aboveusonlypie [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!

Les Norton wrote:How do you know who is wanted or coveted? Unlike Sam, not all players are constantly demanding attention from the media etc and making it all about them, not the club they play for.

Because the Rugby League community is a very small one and word gets around. It's pretty well known that James Roby for example has turned down offers in each of the last three seasons and he doesn't go demanding attention, as you say, from the media, does he?

Actually rather than demanding attention, I think it works the other way around. The media try to engage with those players who are likely to give a good interview. As discussed before there aren't too many of them in our game, which is why Sam and the likes of John Wilkin are used so often.

Author:  Cruncher [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!

The only thing more certain than this thread running for page after page was that it would offer a bunch of soppy little creeps a big opportunity to slither out of the woodwork and have their first real pop at Sam Tomkins since he left Wigan the last time round. They haven't disappointed.

'A player who demands media attention.' :lol:

Yeah, course.

Why don't you just say what you really mean, mate - that you go weak-kneed with fear every time he gets the ball.

Well, tough. I'd get used to that feeling again if I were you.

Author:  Les Norton [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!

Cruncher wrote:The only thing more certain than this thread running for page after page was that it would offer a bunch of soppy little creeps a big opportunity to slither out of the woodwork and have their first real pop at Sam Tomkins since he left Wigan the last time round. They haven't disappointed.

'A player who demands media attention.' :lol:

Yeah, course.

Why don't you just say what you really mean, mate - that you go weak-kneed with fear every time he gets the ball.

Well, tough. I'd get used to that feeling again if I were you.

I think the only people who get weak kneed are some of the Wigan fans who have a serious man crush on him.

His running threat against sides in SL was largely controlled when playing sides with a decent defence in his later seasons. Certainly when playing Leeds anyway.

What I referred to with regard to attention was his constant flirting with the RU press and also frequently talking up moves to the NRL etc. That can't be any good for the rest of his team mates. He's coming back with his tail between his legs to a certain extent, but as soon as he hits a bit of form the usual suspects at Sky TV will once more start obsessing over him and the rumours and speculation will start about his next big move.

For whatever reason, there seems to be a culture with young Wigan players that as soon as they start showing a bit of potential and interest comes their way from the NRL then they're off, as if the Wigan club isn't big enough for them (which it is).

Author:  DaveO [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!

Sam's NRL career reminds me of when we signed Matthew Johns. Played for us for one season. Class player in Australia. Aussie international but never really got going here and left after one season.

This happens to the best of players and doesn't warrant silly articles about being the worst signing in NRL history.

Author:  DaveO [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sam Tomkins - worst signing in NRL history!

Les Norton wrote:For whatever reason, there seems to be a culture with young Wigan players that as soon as they start showing a bit of potential and interest comes their way from the NRL then they're off, as if the Wigan club isn't big enough for them (which it is).

The club is partly to blame for this in my opinion. Even now we have signed Bateman on a three year deal with the possibility of a fourth it still mentions the NRL and the possibility of him leaving to go there. It's as if the club is positively encouraging it which with a three year deal it doesn't need to do. Three years is more than reasonable so just state that is what it is. If he goes to the NRL or another SL club at the end of it having seen his deal out, so what? He will have met his end of the bargain.

Some will say if we don't let them leave to go to the NRL they will never do what Sam is doing and come back. Well despite being very pleased Sam is coming back I am realistic enough to accept we will not see any player come back who is a success and likes the life there but more importantly why be so obsessed about them coming back anyway?

I think there is a danger we re-sign these players just because we can and prove the point of the policy, never mind if there are better options available at the time. I don't think the club even looks.

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