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Author:  thepriestman85 [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:29 am ]
Post subject: 

DaveO wrote:Why would a rumour as opposed to an article that appeared in the press be worse (than quotes on the press)?

Because all Sam said was the usual stuff young players say to the press. I.e Big season for me next year, really want to break into the first team, feel that I’m ready to make the next step up and I’m gonna work hard to be a success. It’s the same cr@p said by every young player to the press for the last 20+ years.

On the other hand Ainsough has said in ‘private’ that if doesn’t get x amount of game he’s off.

Now I know personally which one is worse from a coaches pov. There is a huge difference between the two scenarios and what’s being suggested.

Quote:Sam went public pre-2009 season in the Obbo that this was a make or break season for him.

I didn't see anyone say this was a bad attitude and IMO the "previous history of attitude problems" with Ainscough are also just rumours. 2 +2 = 5 is IMO the reason it has been taken as it has.


As i said before there is no smoke without fire imo and there seems to be more and more stories popping up about his attitude. Are the all made up and if so by who?

Author:  Rogues Gallery [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:29 am ]
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Sharpy_4a wrote:We dont know if he has said this, arnt we jumping the gun here?

Are you saying the OP is telling lies?

Author:  Cruncher [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:33 am ]
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Sharpy_4a wrote:We dont know if he has said this, arnt we jumping the gun here?

Check my final paragraph.

As I've already said, if it's not true that Ainscough has said this, then someone could do with coming on here and putting the record straight. At which point, I will gladly reconsider the view I've expressed.

Author:  Sharpy_4a [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:34 am ]
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Rogues Gallery wrote:Are you saying the OP is telling lies?

Not at all i just read it as he had heard from someone that ainscough had said this.

I will re-read what he put and if he said ainscough has said this in his presence of course i will apologise if any offence has been caused.

Author:  thepriestman85 [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Rogues Gallery wrote:Are you saying the OP is telling lies?

Although he very well could be it’s another rumour that’s surfaced about Ainscough since his excellent introduction to the first team at Wigan.

I do tend to take most rumours with a pinch of salt but after a while when more and more of them start to appear about one player you have to start to take notice of them.

Author:  Enicomb [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:47 am ]
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One of finest players we've produced in years and he can barely get a game. What a said indictment we're in.

Author:  JTB [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:51 am ]
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OK unless this appears in the press as a direct quote from Ainscough or the club, I'd suggest everyone steers clear of making direct accusations about Ainscoughs attitude as a result of this and quite frankly calling for him to come on here and defend himself is rediculous. If it continues in that vain it will have to be locked.

Author:  Cruncher [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:54 am ]
Post subject: 

JTB wrote:OK unless this appears in the press as a direct quote from Ainscough or the club, I'd suggest everyone steers clear of making direct accusations about Ainscoughs attitude as a result of this and quite frankly calling for him to come on here and defend himself is rediculous. If it continues in that vain it will have to be locked.

Agreed. That was an OTT comment, which I regret.

It might be worth locking this thread anyway. The OP doesn't seem to be offering any facts, but still seems to have stirred up a hornet's nest.

Author:  DaveO [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cruncher wrote:Except that, from what we've read here, it isn't as simple as 'setting his sights on something'.

According to the original post, Ainscough has said that if he doesn't play at least 15 games next season, he will leave.

Read that as ambition, if you want.

I read it as a threat.

I also read it as foolishness.

The new heads of coaching both have established form for favouring youngsters and giving lads their chance. But attempting to lay down the law is hardly going to get Ainscough off on the right foot with them.

It's a pity he's done this. I've had the impression that the entire slate would be wiped clean once Maguire arrived, and that everyone would be judged on MM's own perception of their quality. Unless Ainscough has been badly misrepresented or misquoted here, it casts him in a bad light. If he has been misrepresented, he, or one of his associates, would do well to get on here double-quick and put the record straight.

We don't know he has done anything so why are you treating it is fact he has, which is the only way to interpret the sentence in bold?

Putting your interpretation on what he allegedly said and as a result concluding he has done something wrong to justify your original position is just perpetuating the rumour.

As to wiping the slate clean in your previous post you said

Quote:We asked the question a few days ago who would be the first player not to respond positively to the new regime, and it looks like we may have an answer already. Much sooner than I thought.

How can he have failed to respond to the new regime when Maguire hasn't even arrived yet?

Ainscough like the rest of the team will be on holiday until pre-season training starts in the middle of next month so there is no new regime doing anything not to respond to.


Author:  Woody_woody [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

DaveO wrote:I remember reading similar statements from Sam Tomkins prior to this season in an article in the Wigan Observer.

IIRC he said something along the lines of it was a make or break season for him at Wigan or words to that effect.

Can't remember exactly but you can take statements like this two ways. It can be taken as you have taken it, as a sign of bad attitude or it can be taken as a sign of ambition.

If Sam Tomkins had not got 15 or more games this season would you have been surprised if he had decided to leave?

Both players are of an age where they need to be in the first team more than they are out of it.

Don't be so quick to assume he is demanding games as opposed to being ambitious. It's getting a bit tiresome that people taking any news re Ainscough as a sign of problems.

We had the speculation over the wrist injury and how he got that, we have had recently rumours the reason Nobby was supposed not to like him was down to his attitude and now this news gets taken in a negative way. It's ridiculous IMO.

If he had as bad an attitude as this he would already no longer be a Wigan player.

Is he the new scapegoat for 2010?


I agree with DaveO :shock:

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