
* * * Rumours & Signings XIV * * *
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Author:  Father Ted [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  rl

We are better off in some areas than others.
At the start of the season I'm not sure Noble knew what his best line up was. Mathers played one game and was banned, then we had three other fb's in the next 9 games. We had different wingmen and different centres.
Now anyone can name our line from 1-7 each week. IMO those same players will wear the 1-7 numbers on their shirts next year.
Like it or not, Noble has sorted out our backs and halves.
He has also decided to start with Prescott & Coley with Fielden & Feka off the bench. The back row is still fluid through injuries and the younger players coming in, Mossop & Flanagan, have slotted in very well. Their loan spells have done them a world of good!
When Noble arrived the squad and first team was a train wreck. We were heading for NL1 and playing like an NL1 team. It will take years to turn that around to get us to the stage where we can again get to and compete in finals.
When IL bought the club it was a financial train wreck and it will take him and MH years to put the club on a proper financial footing. IL has asked us to be patient with him in turning the club's finances around.
So why isn't he giving Noble the same degree of patience that he asks from us?
It could well take IL longer to put the club into profit than it will Noble to get us to a final.
Once we have the metre making prop or two that we need we will be back with the best. IL needs to make that or those signings and he's testing everyone's patience, probably including Noble's, in taking so long in doing it.

Author:  Rogues Gallery [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shareholders meeting next Friday

Maybe some answers to Teds financial questions, and potential signings along with Nobles future.

Author:  Andy Greg [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: rl

Father Ted wrote:We are better off in some areas than others.
At the start of the season I'm not sure Noble knew what his best line up was. Mathers played one game and was banned, then we had three other fb's in the next 9 games. We had different wingmen and different centres.
Now anyone can name our line from 1-7 each week. IMO those same players will wear the 1-7 numbers on their shirts next year.
Like it or not, Noble has sorted out our backs and halves.
He has also decided to start with Prescott & Coley with Fielden & Feka off the bench. The back row is still fluid through injuries and the younger players coming in, Mossop & Flanagan, have slotted in very well. Their loan spells have done them a world of good!
When Noble arrived the squad and first team was a train wreck. We were heading for NL1 and playing like an NL1 team. It will take years to turn that around to get us to the stage where we can again get to and compete in finals.
When IL bought the club it was a financial train wreck and it will take him and MH years to put the club on a proper financial footing. IL has asked us to be patient with him in turning the club's finances around.
So why isn't he giving Noble the same degree of patience that he asks from us?
It could well take IL longer to put the club into profit than it will Noble to get us to a final.
Once we have the metre making prop or two that we need we will be back with the best. IL needs to make that or those signings and he's testing everyone's patience, probably including Noble's, in taking so long in doing it.

Well Said Ted at last one of the minority that can see just how far we have come :CLAP: :CLAP: :CLAP:

Author:  Damo-Leeds [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Would like you to sign some good aussies so I can see them play against Leeds!

Author:  thepriestman85 [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:24 am ]
Post subject: 

100% Warrior wrote:And what if he signed up S.Tomkins and Phelps?

Any chairman with an ounce of common sense would extend their deals! I have to agree with AJ.

If we don't sign anyone, prepare for ANOTHER long dismal season in 2010.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: What is the point with some people really?

Did you actually read what i said?

AJ put the most one sided statement ever down which wasn't true.

It's easy to say all these players have left and IL hasn't brought and one in when we have all this money and ignore the fact he's signed up our four best players this season to new contracts!!!

Author:  Carneys Pint [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Rogues Gallery wrote:Shareholders meeting next Friday

Maybe some answers to Teds financial questions, and potential signings along with Nobles future.

Presume it's the shareholders ie. IL's pals who helped fund the purchase of the club?

Behind closed doors by any chance?

Author:  Saint Simon [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Carneys Pint wrote:Presume it's the shareholders ie. IL's pals who helped fund the purchase of the club?

Behind closed doors by any chance?
There's usually lots of minor shareholders aswell, who are entitled to be there.

Author:  Rogues Gallery [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Carneys Pint wrote:Presume it's the shareholders ie. IL's pals who helped fund the purchase of the club?

Behind closed doors by any chance?

It's the people who didn't sell their shares to Whelan.

Behind closed doors only in the sense that it is only open to shareholders, as is the same with any company.

Author:  LondonRobster [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Rogues Gallery wrote:No,
It's the people who didn't sell their shares to Whelan.

Behind closed doors only in the sense that it is only open to shareholders, as is the same with any company.

You got any? You going to be there?

Author:  Cruncher [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

It amazes me that some Wigan fans still relish implying that the club indulges in deceitful, cloak and dagger enterprises.


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